anupamshukla's blog

By anupamshukla, history, 2 years ago, In English

In java linkedlist is implemented in Collections framework and you just need to import in your file a d use it all features. Import Collections.LinkedList; By using this you can import the Collections framework Linked list is three type 1.single 2.doubley 3.circular(by using single or double) Syntax: 1. LinkedList variable_name=new ArrayList(); Here you are creating a linked list of name variable_name you use int for integer numbers Here you don't need to care about references which is automatically handle by the framework. Same as you can use doubley linked list In the given below Image you can understand the single linked list concept how the rferences works . In the single linked list two things are present in one node 2.reference of next node This same as self refrencial structure in c In the collections.framwork you just need to give only data part not reference of the nodes.

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