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Plus you need to check ((x2 — x1) / x + (y2 — y1) / y ) % 2 == 0 because there are no rules that move only x or y.

remember that we must change a character. first compare s[0.. n/2-1] and s[n-1.. n-1-(n/2-1)]

YES : only one difference || ( n % 2 == 1 && every character is equal )

NO : (Actually using 'else') ( n % 2 == 0 && every character is equal ) || more than 1 differences

How to solve C?

I can get gcd using Euclidean Algorithm(if you know any better idea, can I ask you to tell any idea).


Just Programming skills not a specific algorithm (sorry about confusion)


This contest is good for me to overcome my laziness about studying algorithm.

I just find min, max value of div1, div2. if there is no div2 ==>> Infinity. if a max value of div2 is bigger than a min value of div1 ==>> Impossible. Finally, there is solution = 1899 + position — maxValueDiv2 to find maximum value. Drawing range will be helpful (Sorry Bad English)

Contest always end up with hacking :(


My solution C simulating statement is accepted. is there any solution without simulating?

On LewinCodeforces Round #385, 7 years ago

I agree with you. I had the same experience before.

On LewinCodeforces Round #385, 7 years ago

I have a question. I wonder how people can solve Div2 B, though they are confused about it... Is it a gap between me and high ranks?

On LewinCodeforces Round #385, 7 years ago

there are two copies.

On LewinCodeforces Round #385, 7 years ago

Div2 B, they said "It is guaranteed that the puzzle pieces are one 4-connected piece." and didn't accept rotate, flip and overlap. ==> only move. Because there are two copies of puzzle, only rectangular input is accepted. no stairs shaped, window shaped...

On LewinCodeforces Round #385, 7 years ago

.XXXX XXXX. XXXX. or .XX XX. XX. .XX XX. XX. It can't be rectangle


I hope this will be helpful :) It seems like binary search.

ll recur(int n, ll k) { ll temp = pow(2, (double)n — 1); if (k == temp) return n; else if (k > temp) { k -= temp; } return recur(n — 1, k); }


Hack Festival!@#(@($*!@(#!@

On ArpaCodeforces Round #383, 7 years ago

Although I missed a mistake as you mentioned, pretest was permitted. I noticed it, corrected immediately and got -50 points :( But I used the information for hacking! and got +100 points :)

On halin.georgeCodeforces Round #381, 7 years ago

I can feel the power of Alyona's mother