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# Author Problem Lang Verdict Time Memory Sent Judged  
28018211 Practice:
71A - 13 GNU C++ Accepted 30 ms 2044 KB 2017-06-25 11:14:18 2017-06-25 11:14:18
→ Source
#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#define REP(i, a) for( int i = 0; i < a; i++ )
#define RFOR(i,x,y) for(int i = x; i>= y; i--)
#define FOR(i,x,y) for (int i = x; i < y; i++)
#define ITFOR(it,A) for(typeof A.begin() it = A.begin(); it!=A.end(); it++)
#define all(v) (v).begin(), (v).end()
#define rall(v) (v).rbegin(), (v).rend()
#define VE vector <int>
#define mset(A,x) memset(A, x, sizeof A)
#define PB push_back
#define ones(x) __builtin_popcount(x)
#define cua(x) (x)*(x)
#define debug(x) cout <<#x << " = " << x << endl
#define adebug(x,n) cout <<#x<<endl; REP(i,n)cout<<x[i]<<char(i+1==n?10:32)
#define mdebug(x,m,n) cout <<#x<<endl; REP(i,m)REP(j,n)cout<<x[i][j]<<char(j+1==n?10:32)
#define LSOne(S) (S&(-S))

using namespace std;

#define ll long long
#define lli long long int
#define PI acos(-1.0)
#define ii pair<int,int>
#define inf_ll (((1LL<<62)-1)<<1)+1
#define inf_i (1<<31)-1

string intToStr(int n) {
    stringstream ss;
    ss << n;
    string str = ss.str();
    return str;
int main(){

    int n;
    string s;
    cin >> n;
    while(n--) {
        cin >> s;
        if(s.size() > 10) {
            int num = s.length() - 2;
            cout << s[0] << intToStr(num) << s[s.length() - 1] << endl;
        else {
            cout << s << endl;

    return 0;

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