Any advices for a new programmer(or not :D)?

Revision en1, by napoleonTR, 2017-08-15 19:59:03

Hi everyone.I am new in Codeforces and i need your precious advices for me.In fact,i am in fourth(last)grade of highschool and i contributed in numerous biology competitions,including IBO(International Biology Olympiad)and i will study medicine.But i am really crazy for programming and i want to be a programming guru.For now,i know Python 3's structure well(or i think).My problem is algorithms and practice i think.I can solve some kind of problems including brute force(which i manage with loops :D),implementation etc.I solved a few(5 or 6 i think)in two days in this site.So ,after that i am turning through and listening you...


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English napoleonTR 2017-08-15 19:59:03 678 Initial revision (published)