Confusion regarding problem statement 1198A

Revision en1, by foxtrot9, 2019-08-18 17:08:29

Problem statement link:

According problem statement and example in the problem statement, output of test case

10 1

589934963 440265648 161048053 196789927 951616256 63404428 660569162 779938975 237139603 31052281

should be 10 — 4 = 6.

Explanation for answer:

(Sorted array for ref: 31052281 63404428 161048053 196789927 237139603 440265648 589934963 660569162 779938975 951616256)

Suppose l = 31052281 and r = 196789927, then I can store the file as following:

31052281 63404428 161048053 196789927 196789927 196789927 196789927 196789927 196789927 196789927

In this case, K = 4 (& k = 2) and I have changed 6 numbers which are > r. So, answer should be 6.

However, judge says answer is 9.

Can someone help me in understanding what I am doing wrong?

1198A - MP3


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English foxtrot9 2019-08-18 17:11:59 132 Add submission link
en1 English foxtrot9 2019-08-18 17:08:29 949 Initial revision (published)