VK Cup 2018 Teams
VK Cup 2018 Teams
# Team
259 Team EeeeBoooooy: it_mozg
258 Team Shiva: imidg30019431, sanbarian
257 Team kissed.crew: kissed
256 Team MneNiktoNeNujen: KocherginDaniil
255 Team Amur State University: Fiurix: Disly, CblP_Ok
254 Team GJ Software: Jyrs, GanterPenguin
253 Team Батончик: YaKon4ick, 998kover
252 Team peppers: stdude_antony
251 Team Top Coders: andr1y
250 Team Calimbula: NoFollow
249 Team one dimensional: alireza_kaviani, shokouf
248 Team Woodbone team: lordikman, Emmiz
247 Team a legendary fiasco of incredible scale: IsmagilS, ismagilov.code
246 Team HeavyLightDecomposition: DSRub, SarasDeras
245 Team zzz: nexstar
244 Team ROCKMAN52: rockman52
243 Team Endem1k: gogelole48
242 Team ❤ karamelka ❤: k1rill_fedoseev
241 Team Shock Content fans: MikhailovBair, bas.kirill
240 Team Icosahedron: fake123_loves_me, levapnilirbuz
239 Team kol9s squad: kol9
238 Team Башкирский ГУ: Яркий ёжик: Crew8888
237 Team onyx team: ichil, Verrok
236 Team Mirlano-Kolyasik: kolkulator, Mirlan
235 Team Georgy Bulgakov: shturmanglyuk
234 Team Rush: Ne0, Hirotaru
233 Team 42WA: AnjoAnjo, aalekseev
232 Team ТУСУР + ТПУ: NVBabichev, Alexit
231 Team Ponydog: ionagamed1, pasvord123
230 Team We use VPN: OnlyVim, bonzai
229 Team Vegetable salad: SEIG
228 Team Smurfici: Egor_Perfect, VladVelikui
227 Team Pupa and Lupa idut za T-shirts VK cup: VankaTaganai, alexX512
226 Team Always grey: KiKoS, Glebodin
225 Team Greenery: Goncharenko, ivan434
224 Team Why not?: antonina.zadorozhnaya
223 Team Suntyra: Suntyra
222 Team Silicon Wasteland: codebasilio, xteNz
221 Team DobermanGood: AmigoMan
220 Team VK Cup 2018: artsin666
219 Team Диванный эксперт: Adusya
218 Team Deinceps: Deinceps
217 Team CPS Team: Badgers: stabmind, Nataly_Cod
216 Team группа ТБИЛ-а: B1ssultanov, Sab1tov
215 Team Justteam: Afra1d, Mziller
214 Team ITMOPOLIS: sultazat, disa
213 Team l1va: L1va
212 Team whynot: azeric0548300, MrReDoX
211 Team Yes He Is: malcolm, zemen
210 Team билли миллиган: katalonecfly, kolegor
209 Team 2⁷⁷²³²⁹¹⁷-1: alexyz, Igorjan94
208 Team UGATU team: We11Done
207 Team Gomel-0.(6): sergell, austrian_artist
206 Team Avilumi: Acuion, Vinatorul
205 Team Fillux: Gmacem, receed
204 Team Kingsman: erbolatkingsman
203 Team VF VolSU: Andrey, 4example: 8or1and1, EdMaron
202 Team Одинокий фонтан: gromadchuk
201 Team Forever Alone: NursuItanTolshybek, Invoker02
200 Team IU: Road to cyan: the_art_of_war, Zilch
199 Team Чё, пацаны, ЧСВ?: Livace, qoo2p5
198 Team yeth: dvec, Megageorgio
197 Team We need more gold: Egor.Lifar, voidmax
196 Team PASCAL Lovers: NikNag, sergioprot
195 Team We want T-shirts: Kirito.LVL99, CodyMaker
194 Team HGU: BlackHorror, kuuhaku
193 Team Mathematics: FrAshy1
192 Team RandomTry: grigoree, fishbone
191 Team КОК в шляпе: NevMem, nikolayterek
190 Team TFalse: TPS
189 Team Zveropolis University: dashakisik, katya_topcik
188 Team LOSG: trafalg4r
187 Team Пишу на вижле, но сдаю под ГНУ: TheConfessor, wilcot
186 Team КЮП: Im waiting for you last vk cup: DenXman111
185 Team equi: equi
184 Team Destructor: Yamatan
183 Team HardWired Inc.: HardWire
182 Team ALTRUISTS: _Ilyas_, shabylkhan
181 Team Не олимпиадники: bezvershenko, npuemnuu
180 Team ОЙ БАЙ КУРАЛАЙ: Arscool, LOLO-s
179 Team ZBDChDS: skinderev, devilox96
178 Team MSU: PP: PersDev
177 Team HSE boyz: boddiul, iSerya
176 Team These lanterns are not brighter than us: Romansp
175 Team зочем: nsychev, Arimon
174 Team MSHP_TEAM: MSHP_TEAM, edikwhitman
173 Team Марғұлан ағай өляяяяяяя: YESMAKHAN, Nurpeissov
172 Team Kings of programming: _KEKC_, kiomi
171 Team Original: StrixG
170 Team KEPT: The Spoon: ShadowLight, Marchello
169 Team Coders by life: danil763, ownerka
168 Team Berq Unenq: LaoShi, gugmelik
167 Team JөΠ@: Diazzz, Akylbeek
166 Team yufer0001: feruz.atamuradov, Yusup01
165 Team Всё ради футболки: Remie00
164 Team Fantastic duet: SBIL_Shyntemir2005, Deadpoolchik
163 Team .-.: tarikhdamir
162 Team Третий лишний: Naumtsev, AffirmativeActor
161 Team 404: wkpn, vadikko2
160 Team South Ural SU: VMI#1x0.(6): Vanek, Waldis
159 Team Четвертый под столом, третий в КС-центре: GooYap, hball1st
158 Team Gender solids: alexxx998, trueshogun
157 Team Bad little boy: _Samat_
156 Team Leather bastards: v.surahin, friendoye
154 Team COCI: TheWayISteppedOutTheCar, ----------
153 Team Dill: Peace_Da_Ball
152 Team Cats gods: KesaGod, VorivaN
151 Team void cp(){ if (loose) return;}: never_giveup
150 Team Марина с Кролей: maxxaon, magnickolas
149 Team DIMteam: dimacod01, JeyDi
148 Team Ka3bI: msagimbekov, amanchik
147 Team ARSU : No to Baishev: Akhmad228
146 Team maks1906: maks1906
145 Team newteam123: DIMASIKMEMASIK
144 Team SyntaxError: shinbay, neemaque
143 Team failed: overhyped, Renhab27
142 Team cosa nostra: AsiKesh, alda-onggar
141 Team Hairy Asians: arcaya, shinko
140 Team Аутисты: Zhigrrr, hitifu
139 Team Artizone: ArtiZone
138 Team IlsoftPRO: ilgimdar
137 Team Котики ЛЭТИ: shabashoff
136 Team UDS: ijoy14, HawkPrimo
135 Team FSociety: armoking, IDzekh
134 Team Explorers of the abyss: ARMACOTY, Gavser2000
133 Team Omicron: aleki.dev, delivron
132 Team Сын маминой подруги: RSakutin, Sin_Of_The_Sun
131 Team Попробуем: max28
130 Team Токсиколог - чемпион: _Eidolon, Antoha0306
129 Team Адепты Структурированного Кода: JorreS, I_love_myself
128 Team LazyTown: tomsoier, masterone
127 Team Black Phoenix: Roout, BerserkVl
126 Team Meow or never!: Programmer007, Madball
125 Team denseСrudity: rust, strizh78
124 Team ИТМО 2.0: demon1999, craborac
123 Team Sunny Narwhal: NickKaramoff, Mondella
122 Team Keksik: kb., Tinsane
121 Team RYZ: yahorzabolotsky, Rustt
120 Team Random_People: wy2ka4, Kaum
119 Team QuietGenius: Vaterlou, Semenar
118 Team VasUra: banany2001, Matematik228
117 Team BaZZar: abozzorov
116 Team Hrumka and Yomi: Pi_Tigrannik, Al3XS0n
115 Team VilcheuskiTeam: kefaa, 244mhq
114 Team (ツ) Опять Бшка (ツ): DarkKeks, LoDThe
113 Team Be Trippers: vl_s, Pisatel
112 Team Innocence: SoMuchDrama, crossopt
111 Team 3C5745Y: yourbeach, Cyberghosts
110 Team J++: Lerto, garbart
109 Team A nu cheeki breeki i v damke: KArs, vitya7
108 Team FriendZone: idealclone
107 Team 2K: alkr, mike_live
106 Team untitled: LordVoldebug, forestryks
105 Team purefunctional: Disel
104 Team Одичалые: browncrater
103 Team Ladiya: alymzhan, zilver
102 Team бротюни: jk_qq, Ancient_mage
101 Team Hell Corp: Insteren
100 Team Имбирные пряники: rosseforp_ytrairom, Twilight_Angel
99 Team SKATERS AND ANIME HATERS: Darui99, Gorix
98 Team VilcheuskiTeam: Mediocrity, vilcheuski
97 Team AlkoMavl: Mavzes, vladmart
96 Team Ivan Sadovnikov: iBorland
95 Team FUS RO DAH: yermak0v, DeWitt
94 Team Ginger Kans: Chernyshov, hell0friend
93 Team Q: Arafatistic, almasalmas
92 Team Are you afraid of the dark?: syndicate1337, kirill_did2
91 Team Илоновая Маска: ali-sa, zhussupov
90 Team Degraded descent: ssor96, pylol
89 Team Bananas: NikZhu
88 Team Singletone: Richard94
87 Team MIPT: The team she told you not to worry about: rationalex, irkstepanov
86 Team N00Bz: khokho, saba2000
85 Team Hello World!: deleteeeeeeeeed, I_am_Muslim
84 Team 2Slow2Win2Dumb2Quit: MeninAtymEsmakan, Zapyatochka
83 Team NIZHA: -Karim123-, Nizami_02
82 Team Life is life nana nanana: FreeHugs
81 Team 1: amanbol
80 Team Facebook Cup: Sehnsucht, Sun_For_Life
79 Team Poopie Squad: MrGoldLion
78 Team Sweet power of pheromones and cybersexual qual to ROI: aokiga, Maslov
77 Team A.S.A.L.A.: 312352145215, khachdallak
76 Team ZÝM24: Extraordinary01, Trouble
75 Team Tilt gaming: MeowMr, Rai_Fox
74 Team Just polyte: Ferume, lessmeaning
73 Team data soScientists: linjek, Misha100896
72 Team Rookie: alexkowal
71 Team team1: qwerty12345qwerty
70 Team Tsakunov RV: romantsakunov
69 Team Nagibators: Zhanibekkk, S.N
68 Team Yaroslavl SU Owlets: medegor44, romarioGI
67 Team Лепреконы ботают: grphil, koganeser
66 Team Golden Mean: justadlet, HardNut
65 Team void of the head, int of the main: MStrechen, olexandryermilov
64 Team Balakley Lyceum: Zhuvak
63 Team cookies: dryush97, XDIMANX007
62 Team what im doing here: sadmation
61 Team 529733139: the_timur, ilyas_ad
60 Team Akadzuki: CheeseLover, Shome
59 Team AntiMoxx: NotSoStupid, Yerkebulan
58 Team geg: yerenkoff, svetofor_columb
57 Team ECO: FAZL, Zikrlion
56 Team ВИИРЭиС: changefor, Yernazar
55 Team Human beans: Realhumanbean1
54 Team SpeedOfMagic: SpeedOfMagic
53 Team Lone_Bear: suspicio
52 Team ♥♦♣♠New Selection♠♣♦♥: _psih, Fri3nds
51 Team Ultra_ToRnAdOs: Aleks5d, eg322
50 Team Fell in love in J.FLA: Desmos
49 Team 11111: inaFSTream
48 Team MSRL TEAM #0: AlexJokel, WC4F
47 Team DreamTeam: WorldWeb, KNaga
46 Team Puzzle: Nots0fast
45 Team Barberry: equocredite, kvk1920
44 Team Jenteam: Vad, JIeHb
43 Team YU Lemons: AkA, sos-myslom
42 Team KTLnotBIL: Ad1let, miko
41 Team Too old for this shit: Vshining, maoritosun
40 Team LeMorzhy: Reventon, lebowski998
39 Team THE_BEST: Yo_S_iN, AmI_R_BeK
38 Team 312iq: 300iq, scanhex
37 Team LiceumKFU#2: notkamil, bulat_gayazov
36 Team YOUR_GOD: your_god
35 Team Fewnix Coder: fewnixceo
34 Team Road To VK Final: st-Firdavs, Farhod
33 Team FeelsAloneMan: Neon
32 Team Programming Gentlemen: Garuda_1, taras_ska
31 Team NeUmeem: Ubivca, Koroboff
30 Team Gambit: yerkimbekov, wtf_why_its_always_3rd
29 Team Aniteam: Scayre, Kideri
28 Team Тимофей и компания: ExplosionMagic, Young_god
27 Team owiwi: Staket, curlink
26 Team Moscow SU: Codehorses: kondranin, Denyhoof
25 Team dont panic: aybekko, YeSatellite
24 Team Too old for this shit: quotitquot, NevMiIVD
23 Team QuickMafs: okwedook, sdl
22 Team PGG 2: Choppa
21 Team NIS Shymkent: Noobs: ASUS
20 Team Shubochkinas team: Vlad1k, neckbotov
19 Team Ataka clonov: Emgariko, garipov.roma
18 Team Aliensoft Company: computerbox, PentiumPro
17 Team Va vpvo: Smailan
16 Team The Hex Core: Hexkritor
15 Team Real Madrid: dieumerci, nemso_
14 Team 123: LeGross, MegaDinmuhameD
13 Team Sorry, Arlan: StickmanFan, Prince_
12 Team Биба и Боба: PO3OBAR_Bblnb, 4EPHAR_KPRKBA
11 Team Kotya: aniakora
10 Team 0.99999999999 second: seitcs, thelightt