Candidate_Master_2021's blog

By Candidate_Master_2021, 3 years ago, In English

I wanted to know if practicing codeforces problems a good way to prepare for ICPC.

What are some similarities and differences between problems from ICPC Qualification/Regionals/WF and problems from normal CF rounds?

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By Candidate_Master_2021, 3 years ago, In English

Follow up to Users With Inspirational Progress Charts

Since the addition of Codeforces Activity Graph, I want to ask.

Are there any Codeforces Activity Graph you found particularly interesting? Perhaps anyone who you look to for motivation, a friend, or even your own if you have a story to tell?

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By Candidate_Master_2021, 3 years ago, In English

I didn't even participated in this contest, i just registered .

Take into account only those contests, where participant registered and showed up on ranklist.

what's even funny is that future contests also show up on the graph lmao

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By Candidate_Master_2021, 3 years ago, In English

Why do you make pretest as weak as Round 700's Div 2 C... I mean seriously? All pretest were under n <= 100. This is not even a mistake.this almost feels like u guys were trying to do some kind of a prank on us. why,why....please give some kind of explanation? To the people coordinating and testing the round. did u try to submit a brute force on it?

this is crazy...what a waste

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By Candidate_Master_2021, 3 years ago, In English
By Candidate_Master_2021, history, 3 years ago, In English

I registered for a contest earlier, now on the time of contest, i logged in, saw the problems. But didn't submit anything.

I checked the ranklist and i saw myself at bottom. Will i get a rating deduction?

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By Candidate_Master_2021, 3 years ago, In English

I was wondering how much more we gotta wait before the MAGIC comes in ? Can't wait to hit LGM lolol


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By Candidate_Master_2021, history, 3 years ago, In English
  1. Problem A — EASY
  2. Problem B — EASY
  3. Problem C1 — NIGHTMARE
  4. Problem C2 — NIGHTMARE (PANIK)
  5. Problem D — Binary Search and prefix (i cant but)
  6. Problem E — NIGHTMARE++

i dont know about other problems but this was the most unbalanced contest i've seen in a while, wtf

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By Candidate_Master_2021, history, 3 years ago, In English

i wonder if there can be a time in future when codeforces-atcoder-topcoder and all other ojs would stop making programming contests, because no problemsetter would be able to come up with a new unused idea?

With so many contest happening every week, it makes sense that this must have some kind of upper limit. People can't come up with new problems again and again.

Can someone give some facts which can either prove or disprove it?

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By Candidate_Master_2021, 3 years ago, In English

I have done 2-3 SRMs, i was able to solve first two problems. But i still don't see any verified skills on my profile, is it some caching issue? How long do people wait to get them?

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By Candidate_Master_2021, history, 3 years ago, In English

i apologize if this sound weird to you, but recently i was checking standings of recent contests. and i noticed that many 1680 something rated people were getting -ve rating change even at ranks like 1100, if i am not wrong just 3-4 contest earlier this rank was good enough to cross 1750.

Also specialist around 1550 are not able to become expert even at ranks like 1500,

is the participation some factor? or maybe codeforces change something internally?

Can we please bring back old rating system ?

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By Candidate_Master_2021, history, 4 years ago, In English

Is there an upcoming streams on CF sidebar? What is it?

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By Candidate_Master_2021, history, 4 years ago, In English

Am i the only one who thinks that the upcoming contests are scheduled way too apart and also very less in number

I mean next div 2 contest is a week ahead.

The main reason why many enjoy competing on codeforces is because of the contest frequency. so even if someone have a bad day he can gain lost ratings in a day or two

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By Candidate_Master_2021, history, 4 years ago, In English

What should a person do if he/she gets a failed system test on a CF Round. I want to know the constructive response.

So, yesterday i noticed some high-rated coders getting FST in easy problems like A and D. So how do you work on that.

I believe there are two possible scenario.

  1. Huh! a FST ? Well, i'm high rated af so i can't be wrong. Its the contest maker, i am always right, i am doing everything right, not my fault
  2. Oh shoot a FST ! I dont think i deserve to be high rated anymore, if i can't solve A then i think i deserve to be thrown at bottom of ranklist. I am good for nothing, RIP

what should be the ideal (constructive) response for this?

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By Candidate_Master_2021, history, 4 years ago, In English

I was wondering, where did this coloring scheme for rank and ratings come from.

Almost all OJs i know, follow the same color gradient which goes from

Dark, Green, Blue, Orange, Red

(and some variations like cyan)

This is used by all popular OJs like Codeforces, Codechef, Topcoder, Atcoder.

Does this coloring has some meaning as well, because all websites are using it.

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