guptashubham.sg11's blog

By guptashubham.sg11, 15 months ago, In English

Since, the contest was of Division 4, problems were a lot easier as compared to other contests. So, solutions of simple problems are pretty straight forward. Unfortunately one of my submitted code significantly matched with another person (ashutosh_1718) and thus Codeforces skipped my contest. Neither I used any online public compiler nor I know this person. It was really a devastating moment for me when I saw the notification sent by system to me because in this contest I was able to solve 6 problems out of 8 for the first time.

My submission :-

Another person submission :-

Contest :- (Codeforces Round #849 Div-4)

Kindly #codeforces look into this


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7 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

Yeah the same thing happened to me in codeforrces and codechef also,,they penalised me though i didn't knew that person nor i used online public compiler

7 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

Other than variable naming, order of if statements, and spacing, it looks like the same piece of code. Not saying that you cheated or anything of the sort, but it just seems really hard to prove that you didn't cheat or someone else didn't cheat off of you.

7 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +1 Vote: I do not like it

It was not accidental.You actually cheated.Just added some space and changed varaible names.Now stop acting innocent.