firedrakesin's blog

By firedrakesin, history, 3 years ago, In English whats wrong with this code can't know the edge case so, not able to know what is wrong.

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By firedrakesin, history, 3 years ago, In English

This is the code I wrote for this problem mentioned above

def mat(a,b,two): l=[] prevind=-1;i=-1;ctwo=0 for t in b: i+=1;ii=-1;dcoder="" if t=="2": ctwo+=1 m=["0" for t in range(a)] l.append(m) n=0 for tt in b: ii+=1 if i==ii: l[i][ii]="X" elif t=="1" and tt=="2": l[i][ii]="+" elif t=="1" and tt=="1": l[i][ii]="=" elif two==ctwo and t=="2" and tt=="2" and n==0: l[i][ii]="+" n+=1 elif t=="2" and tt=="2" and n==0 and ii>prevind: n+=1 prevind=ii l[i][ii]="+" else: l[i][ii]="-" dcoder+=l[i][ii] print(dcoder) for _ in range(int(input())): a=int(input()) b=input() ll=list(map(str,b)) two=ll.count("2") if two<3 and two!=0: print("NO") continue print("YES")

It is correct I tried on different IDE, but not showing right on codeforces. Why like that and if any error , please help me by letting me know what is it.

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By firedrakesin, history, 3 years ago, In English

This is the code I wrote for the problem 'Calculating Function'

g=int(input()) if g%2==0: n=g/2 print(int((n*(n+1))-(n*n))) else: n=g//2; c=n+1 print(int((n*(n+1))-(c*c)))

It is correct but when I submitted it, it is showing wrong answer on test case 5. So I asked my friend and he did submit my code on codeforces from his account and it got accepted on his account. Why so?

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