# Author Problem Lang Verdict Time Memory Sent Judged  
94144482 Practice:
1329A - 22 C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 62 ms 804 KB 2020-09-28 18:45:19 2020-09-28 18:45:19
→ Source
"I will come again & conquer you 
because as a mountain you can't grow, but as a human, I can.” 
- Sir Edmund Hillary.
using namespace std ;
typedef long long ll ;
typedef long double lld ;
#define f(i,s,n) for(int i=s;i<(int)n;i++) 
#define fn(i,s,n) for(int i=s;i>=(int)n;i--)
template<class C> void mini(C&a4, C b4){a4=min(a4, b4); }
template<class C> void maxi(C&a4, C b4){a4=max(a4, b4); }

#define vi vector<int>
#define vii vector<pair<int,int>>
#define vl vector<ll>
#define pb push_back 
#define X first 
#define Y second 
#define pii pair<int,int> 
#define pll pair<ll,ll> 
#define pli pair<ll,int> 
#define pil pair<int,ll> 
#define vll vector<pll>
#define fio ios::sync_with_stdio(0),cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0),cout<<setprecision(10) ;
#define is(x) cout<<#x<<" : "<<x<<endl ;
// const int MAXN = 2e5+5 ;
// const int MOD = 1e9+7 ;
// #define DEBUG

int main()
    fio ;
    /* ======================Start of code ================ */
    int n,m;cin>>n>>m ;
    ll total = 0 ;
    vi v(m) ; f(i,0,m) cin>>v[i], total+=v[i] ;
    if(total<n) return cout<<"-1\n",0 ;
    vi ans(m) ;
        ans[i] = i ;
        if(i+v[i]-1>=n) return cout<<"-1\n",0 ;
    int last = n-1 ;
        int currEnd = ans[i]+(v[i]-1) ;
            last = ans[i]-1 ;
            continue ;
        int gap = last-currEnd ;
        ans[i] += gap ;
        last = ans[i]-1 ;
    for(auto x:ans) cout<<(x+1)<<" " ;
    cout<<"\n" ;

    /* ======================End of code ================== */
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