Difference in these two ways of using lower_bound [C++]

Правка en2, от root8950, 2015-09-27 09:51:40

I have a set as
set<int> s;
I used lower_bound(s.begin(),s.end(),x)
It gave me TLE.
Then i used s.lower_bound(x)
My solution passed.
Whats the difference in both? I mean why is it happening?
First one is working in O(n) time while latter in O(logn).
Weren't both supposed to be O(logn) ?


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en2 Английский root8950 2015-09-27 09:51:40 108
en1 Английский root8950 2015-09-27 09:49:46 276 Initial revision (published)