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NoobCoderPrajwal's blog

By NoobCoderPrajwal, history, 3 years ago, In English

Benq is current top rated player on Codeforces. All I know about him is that he is from US and started CP in Summer of 2015. He has answered many questions related to CP and also provided resources here. In his first contest on codeforces he solved 0 problems !!(this is shocking). I am just curious that how he became Legendary Grandmaster so fast within 3 years. I also looked at his submission history and initially he was having trouble in solving 1000 rated problems(like a normal human) and then suddenly his ratings kept on rising and rising until he became number 1. He never stopped and keep on moving like river water. He has solved around 3000 problems on codeforces. I am just curious to know more about him. Sorry for bad English.

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