divyanshu3012's blog

By divyanshu3012, history, 15 months ago, In English

In the problem given below , the time limit mentioned is 1 seconds , does that mean that each testcase has 2 seconds to pass ?

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By divyanshu3012, history, 15 months ago, In English

I wnated to understand the difference between testcases and tests. In the problems given on codeforces , is it so that every test has several test cases inside it ? And the time limit mentioned in the problem is the time limit under which all the test cases must pass or is the time limit under which a single test case must pass ? And one more thing , in the submission section , is the execution time mentioned , the maximum time taken by the program I submitted ?

Please clarify ?

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By divyanshu3012, history, 20 months ago, In English

During a contest , whether penalty is cut from the total score or only from the score of the problem on which I was penalized.

Suppose during a contest , I submit problem A and then solve problem B . I get penalty for problem C and then the contest ends . So , will the -50 for the penalty will be cut from the total score that I have achieved or no points will be deducted because I did not submit the correct solution of problem C.

Please help !!

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