Mi.Lord's blog

By Mi.Lord, history, 20 months ago, In English

Hello dear programmers!

Execuse me for my past blogs and comments!!! Please!!!

I want to set my contribution 0 again.And I will never write any blogs or comments.

Please help!!!

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20 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

Let's try! We believed you. Don't let us down, Okay?

20 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

Just by contributing to the community not by posting shits!

20 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

I recommend just ignoring the contribution. As long as you do not post anything harmful, you should not be concerned about what other people think of your comment/blog.

20 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

Firstly, pick your blog tags carefully from now on. "help", "execuseme", "sorry"... "mikemirzayanov"? The last tag is pretty much irrelevant and could make others think that you're just trying to farm contribution by putting popular tags. (Although this sequence of tags made me chuckle, so +1 for that)

Secondly, be more friendly. And not just your regular friendly, but reaaally friendly! Avoid the words "stupid", "moron", "dumb" and even more subtle details like a sarcastic tone. Instead, compliment the person you are replying to or the testers/problemsetter of whatever contest you are taking part in (if you are commenting on a round blog). Arguments and debates are fine, as long as you remain respectful! Oh, and don't reply to idio- uhhhh meanies

Thirdly, improve your English and punctuation. This is a bit more subtle, but bad grammar is unpleasant to the eye of a fluent or almost fluent speaker and gives the impression of lack of knowledge, which definitely isn't what you want. In your case, increasing the number of commas in your comments, adding spaces after dots and using single exclamation marks instead of multiple will pretty much do the trick!

Fourthly, use humor! Intelligent humor is always appreciated on this website. Sometimes, even simple humor! The problem with jokes, however, is that they are spontaneous — trying harder to make a good joke will result in making it worse in the process. So just go with the flow!

Fifthly(?), comment on blogs that are to become popular. Kind of like the stock market, really! When there is a new contest blog, try to be one of the first people to express his/her appreciation for the work put into the round. (Also, humor here is really successful!)

Lastly, avoid long messages (said the hypocrite). Shorter messages usually get voted more, as people tend to read them first.

Good luck!

20 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

Don't even care about the contribution. Sometimes good/sincere contents can get downvoted and stupid contents can get upvoted. Maybe the only safe way to get upvotes is to post some smart algorithms/observations. Otherwise it's pretty random and somehow rating-related. Look at my profile picture! Just focus on learning algorithms and solving problems.