D. Fixed Prefix Permutations
time limit per test
2 seconds
memory limit per test
256 megabytes
standard input
standard output

You are given $$$n$$$ permutations $$$a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n$$$, each of length $$$m$$$. Recall that a permutation of length $$$m$$$ is a sequence of $$$m$$$ distinct integers from $$$1$$$ to $$$m$$$.

Let the beauty of a permutation $$$p_1, p_2, \dots, p_m$$$ be the largest $$$k$$$ such that $$$p_1 = 1, p_2 = 2, \dots, p_k = k$$$. If $$$p_1 \neq 1$$$, then the beauty is $$$0$$$.

The product of two permutations $$$p \cdot q$$$ is a permutation $$$r$$$ such that $$$r_j = q_{p_j}$$$.

For each $$$i$$$ from $$$1$$$ to $$$n$$$, print the largest beauty of a permutation $$$a_i \cdot a_j$$$ over all $$$j$$$ from $$$1$$$ to $$$n$$$ (possibly, $$$i = j$$$).


The first line contains a single integer $$$t$$$ ($$$1 \le t \le 10^4$$$) — the number of testcases.

The first line of each testcase contains two integers $$$n$$$ and $$$m$$$ ($$$1 \le n \le 5 \cdot 10^4$$$; $$$1 \le m \le 10$$$) — the number of permutations and the length of each permutation.

The $$$i$$$-th of the next $$$n$$$ lines contains a permutation $$$a_i$$$ — $$$m$$$ distinct integers from $$$1$$$ to $$$m$$$.

The sum of $$$n$$$ doesn't exceed $$$5 \cdot 10^4$$$ over all testcases.


For each testcase, print $$$n$$$ integers. The $$$i$$$-th value should be equal to the largest beauty of a permutation $$$a_i \cdot a_j$$$ over all $$$j$$$ ($$$1 \le j \le n$$$).

3 4
2 4 1 3
1 2 4 3
2 1 3 4
2 2
1 2
2 1
8 10
3 4 9 6 10 2 7 8 1 5
3 9 1 8 5 7 4 10 2 6
3 10 1 7 5 9 6 4 2 8
1 2 3 4 8 6 10 7 9 5
1 2 3 4 10 6 8 5 7 9
9 6 1 2 10 4 7 8 3 5
7 9 3 2 5 6 4 8 1 10
9 4 3 7 5 6 1 10 8 2
1 4 4 
2 2 
10 8 1 6 8 10 1 7