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E. Evaluate It and Back Again
time limit per test
3 seconds
memory limit per test
1024 megabytes
standard input
standard output

Aidan and Nadia are long-time friends with a shared passion for mathematics. Each of them has a favorite number: Aidan's favorite number is $$$p$$$, and Nadia's is $$$q$$$.

To commemorate their friendship, their friends want to make a present: a plaque with an arithmetic expression whose value is equal to their favorite numbers. At first glance, it sounds impossible, but the answer is simple: Aidan reads left-to-right, while Nadia reads right-to-left, so the same expression can have different values for them.

For example, if 2023-12-13 is written on the plaque, then Aidan would calculate the result as $$$2023-12-13 = 1998$$$, and Nadia would calculate it as $$$31-21-3202=-3192$$$.

Find an arithmetic expression that, when read left-to-right, evaluates to $$$p$$$, and, when read right-to-left, evaluates to $$$q$$$. Its length must be at most $$$1000$$$ characters. It's guaranteed that such an expression exists for all valid inputs.


The first line of the input contains two integers $$$p$$$ and $$$q$$$ ($$$-10^{18} \le p, q \le 10^{18}$$$).


Print the expression without spaces or line breaks. It can only contain digits 0 through 9, '+', '-', and '*' characters.

The expression must contain at most $$$1000$$$ characters. Leading zeros in numbers are not allowed (the only exception is the notation '0' representing the number $$$0$$$) in both the expression and its reverse. Use of unary '+' or '-' is not allowed. The expression must be well-formed in both directions. The calculation uses the standard operator precedence.

1998 -3192
413 908