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A. Wallet Exchange
time limit per test
1 second
memory limit per test
256 megabytes
standard input
standard output

Alice and Bob are bored, so they decide to play a game with their wallets. Alice has $$$a$$$ coins in her wallet, while Bob has $$$b$$$ coins in his wallet.

Both players take turns playing, with Alice making the first move. In each turn, the player will perform the following steps in order:

  1. Choose to exchange wallets with their opponent, or to keep their current wallets.
  2. Remove $$$1$$$ coin from the player's current wallet. The current wallet cannot have $$$0$$$ coins before performing this step.

The player who cannot make a valid move on their turn loses. If both Alice and Bob play optimally, determine who will win the game.


Each test contains multiple test cases. The first line contains a single integer $$$t$$$ ($$$1 \leq t \leq 1000$$$) — the number of test cases. The description of the test cases follows.

The first and only line of each test case contains two integers $$$a$$$ and $$$b$$$ ($$$1 \le a, b \le 10^9$$$) — the number of coins in Alice's and Bob's wallets, respectively.


For each test case, output "Alice" if Alice will win the game, and "Bob" if Bob will win the game.

1 1
1 4
5 3
4 5
11 9
83 91
1032 9307
839204 7281
1000000000 1000000000
53110 2024

In the first test case, an example of the game is shown below:

  • Alice chooses to not swap wallets with Bob in step 1 of her move. Now, $$$a=0$$$ and $$$b=1$$$.
  • Since Alice's wallet is empty, Bob must choose to not swap their wallets in step 1 of his move. Now, $$$a=0$$$ and $$$b=0$$$.
  • Since both Alice's and Bob's wallets are empty, Alice is unable to make a move. Hence, Bob wins.

In the second test case, an example of the game is shown below:

  • Alice chooses to swap wallets with Bob in step 1 of her move. Now, $$$a=3$$$ and $$$b=1$$$.
  • Bob chooses to swap wallets with Alice in step 1 of his move. Now, $$$a=1$$$ and $$$b=2$$$.
  • Alice chooses to not swap wallets with Bob in step 1 of her move. Now, $$$a=0$$$ and $$$b=2$$$.
  • Since Alice's wallet is empty, Bob can only choose to not swap wallets with Alice in step 1 of his move. Now, $$$a=0$$$ and $$$b=1$$$.
  • Since Alice's wallet is empty, Alice can only choose to swap wallets with Bob in step 1 of her move. Now, $$$a=0$$$ and $$$b=0$$$.
  • Since both Alice's wallet and Bob's wallet are empty, Bob is unable to make a move. Hence, Alice wins.