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Filterring by tags affects disabling 'show tags for unsolved problems' checkbox.

Правка en3, от aboAdnan, 2018-12-29 09:49:09

Hello everybody!

Before, when I was filterring the problemset table by some tag while show tags for unsolved prolems checkbox was disabled, the page was showing me the problems that I had solved and been tagged with that tag.

Now it shows all the problems with the filterring tag, but without showing literally the tags beside the names of problems :p.

I think this was not intended, and, anyway, IMO, this defeats the purpose of that checkbox. So, please, return to that past version of this point.

Thanks in advance!


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en4 Английский aboAdnan 2018-12-29 09:50:26 3
en3 Английский aboAdnan 2018-12-29 09:49:09 6
en2 Английский aboAdnan 2018-12-28 21:10:25 3 Tiny change: 'ms with that filtirrin' -> 'ms with the filtirrin'
en1 Английский aboAdnan 2018-12-28 21:08:51 615 Initial revision (published)