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Editorial (Help) For last 2 Questions in AtCoder Beginner Contest 127

Правка en1, от goatLM10, 2019-05-26 09:53:48

Yesterdays, Beginner Contest was held on Atcoder platform. But the editorials of the problem are available only in Japanese. Can someone explain in short what is the approach to last two problems or give hints that will be helpful in solving them?

Link to contest : https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc127/tasks Problem E : Cell Distance Problem F : Absolute Minima

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks !

Теги atcoder, begineers, 127, editorial


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en1 Английский goatLM10 2019-05-26 09:53:48 627 Initial revision (published)