Some strange bug in my solution of problem 1194C

Правка en1, от phyzzmat, 2019-07-14 22:36:38

Hello everyone. Previously I was more of a Python programmer, but now I am trying to expand my knowledge of C++, so I am solving tasks in it more and more frequently. Today I experienced a strange issue with task 1194C - From S To T.

The solution — 57031662 — I wrote returned WA2, and no minor changes seemed to alleviate the problem (which cost me a lot of time). After 20 unsuccessful minutes of trying to zero in on the bug, I just coded the same thing in Python — 57047262 — and it AC'd flawlessly.

The specific test case I am getting an error on is the following:

acefhjlnprtvxz abcdedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdedfghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

"YES" is expected, whereas the program outputs "NO". However, the C++ submission answers this test case correctly when run locally, while giving another output on Codeforces.

Could you please help me locate the problem? P.S. We are all human and prone to making mistakes, so I am not excluding the possibility that I missed something very obviously wrong.


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en4 Английский phyzzmat 2019-07-14 23:19:04 209
en3 Английский phyzzmat 2019-07-14 23:03:22 75
en2 Английский phyzzmat 2019-07-14 22:44:38 0 (published)
en1 Английский phyzzmat 2019-07-14 22:36:38 1177 Initial revision (saved to drafts)