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Codeforces Quest Rounds!

Правка en1, от existenence, 2020-08-19 14:15:47

Hello Coders!

Recently I've been thinking about CodeForces rounds and I came up with an idea...

Let's have Quest Rounds which would have following characteristics:

  • You UNLOCK problems by solving previous ones. So the next problem is only unlocked once you solve the current one.

  • Upon acceptance, every problem gives some clue/hint for the solution to the next problem.

  • There is a single narrative for the entire problemset with a character going through an adventure and the problem statements and solutions describe the adventures.(like having our protagonist Mr. Square in Flatland!)

  • At the end of the adventure, every participant gains wisdom(along with ratings) in the form of XP. They can use this XP as currency for various purposes on the platform. (I would love suggestions and/or constructive criticism on this!)

  • The Quests can be for Div 1, 2, 3 or common ones.

Comment and give ideas/suggestions/criticism about this and let the showrunners know about this...peace :)


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en1 Английский existenence 2020-08-19 14:15:47 1046 Initial revision (published)