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PyPy3 long to int casting performance disparities (when long is divided twice)

Правка en3, от YMSeah, 2021-01-16 15:20:50

Hi all

Firstly thanks for reading this. It's kinda hard to articulate what I'm doing and I hope that I've written it clearly.

I tried playing around with long (larger than 1<<31) and ints in PyPy3 to see how performance is affected. If I'm not mistaken, numbers larger than 1<<31, or numbers originating from such numbers (eg. divided from a large number) are stored as longs in the underlying C struct. Smaller numbers are stored as int32.

For a control experiment, I tried storing large numbers:

//Just storing Longs as control experiment. Source:


for _ in range(10**7):


===== Used: 873 ms, 113092 KB ______

I then proceeded to try converting the Long to int. Note that I did a division initially (x>>1). This was intentional, as it slowed down the code significantly. The code would run much faster (~300ms) without this step. Note how the memory used has reduced as (I believe) the numbers are now stored as int32.

//Long to int directly, with dividing long by 2. Source:



for _ in range(10**7):

Output: 4611686018427387905

===== Used: 1669 ms, 76632 KB

Finally, I attempted the same, but I assigned x to temp, deleted x, and reassigned temp to x. The code ran much faster (~300ms). But I have no idea why. I printed out the ids of x before and after to verify that the object (and hence its properties) didn't change.

//Long to int, with dividing long by 2. But deleting the long and reassigning the long. Source:


del x
print(id(x)) #id does not change. i.e. same object, so properties shouldn't change

for _ in range(10**7):

Output: 4611686018427387905 4611686018427387905

===== Used: 358 ms, 76796 KB

I have no idea what's happening here, but my suspicion is that PyPy3's JIT compiler's logic was affected by the deletion and reassignment of x, and took a different series of steps when running the code.

Теги pypy, python, performance, tuning


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en3 Английский YMSeah 2021-01-16 15:20:50 181
en2 Английский YMSeah 2021-01-04 07:20:32 3 Tiny change: '>1). This is intentio' -> '>1). This was intentio'
en1 Английский YMSeah 2021-01-04 07:19:58 2052 Initial revision (published)