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Help!! Im Stuck on the Problem!! It seems really hard!!

Revision en2, by truly_the_worst, 2021-03-02 23:37:10

Right now, I'm trying to solve https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/4/A. Im new to codeforces but I am super experienced at competive programming. I think it is a very hard question. The time constraints suggest an O(n^4) soution and iam pretty sure that my solution is O(n^4 but it tle on the sample case. Is there some way to improve my existing solution or am i mising something really beig with my solution?

void isCurrentNumberEvenOrNot(int currentNumber) {
	bool isEven = false;
	for (int numberOfTwos = 0; numberOfTwos <= currentNumber; numberOfTwos++) {
		int totNumber = 0;
		for (int currentNumberOfTwos = 0; currentNumberOfTwos < numberOfTwos; currentNumberOfTwos++) {
			totNumber = totNumber + 2;

		if (isCurrentNumberEvenOrNot(totNumber) && totNumber == currentNumber) { // to make sure totNumber is even or not
			isEven = true;
	if (isEven)
		return true;
		return false;

int main(void) {
	int weight; cin >> weight;

	bool yes = false;
	for (int pile1 = 0; pile1 <= weight; pile1++) {
		for (int pile2 = 0; pile2 <= weight; pile2++)
			if (isCurrentNumberEvenOrNot(pile1) && isCurrentNumberEvenOrNot(pile2) && pile1+pile2 == weight)
				yes = true;
	if (yes)
		cout << "YES" << endl;
		cout << "NO" << endl;

any Help would be greatly appreciated. Also this is my first try at a codeforces blog post so it may be weirdly formatted.

Everyone who downvoted is gay


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English truly_the_worst 2021-03-02 23:37:10 33 Tiny change: 'matted. \n' -> 'matted. \n\nEveryone who downvoted is gay\n'
en1 English truly_the_worst 2021-03-02 22:19:33 1541 Initial revision (published)