K. Damas-utiful vs Aleppo-utiful
time limit per test
1 second
memory limit per test
1024 megabytes
standard input
standard output

Judges worked so hard to prepare a good problemset for Damascus and Aleppo contestants because they knew how delicious the food is in these cities.

Judges split themselves into two teams, with one team going to Damascus while the other team is going to Aleppo. They bet on the city with the most delicious food. Your task is to determine which team was actually right?

If you believe that food in Damascus is better, then print the most delicious food you have ever tried in Damascus. Otherwise, if you believe that food in Aleppo is better, then print the most delicious food you have ever tried there.

Moreover, if you don't really care about this silly bet, just print "M7ashe" as it is the only food both teams agree to be the best food ever.


What is your favourite food?


Print the best food you have ever tried, or just print "M7ashe"

What is your favorite food?