L. Not-Incomplete
time limit per test
1 second
memory limit per test
256 megabytes
standard input
standard output

In KUET, there are $$$X$$$ weeks in each semester. The CSE-000 course has $$$Y$$$ classes each week. $$$Z$$$ weeks have already passed and you have participated in exactly $$$N$$$ classes up until now. You need at least 60% attendance to sit at the exam.

Print the minimum amount of classes you need to attend for each of the remaining weeks so that you can partake in the exam. As you are a procrastinator, you leave most of the classes to attend for later weeks.


The first line contains four integers $$$X$$$($$$12\leq X \leq 14$$$), $$$Y$$$($$$1\leq Y \leq 5$$$), $$$Z$$$($$$1 \leq Z \leq X$$$) and $$$N$$$($$$0 \leq N \leq Y \times Z$$$)


The first Line contains "Yes" if it is possible for you to sit in the exam or "No" if it's impossible. If possible, the second line contains $$$X-Z$$$ numbers (the required number of classes that you need to attend for each of the remaining weeks).

14 3 10 15
2 3 3 3 

You cannot attend more than $$$Y$$$ classes in a week even if you want to.