BrynzaMasterZa228's blog

By BrynzaMasterZa228, history, 10 hours ago, In English

Hi everyone, during the summer I have been creating a website that I thought would be useful for codeforces using the hot topic of LLMs and AI. It uses my favorite site to create problems Codeforces Polygon! I tried to make it easier to create simple problems. Thank you for the amazing site of codeforces polygon! The best way to create custom problems.

It might have some bugs, I wanted to share it though so I can get opinions)

Are you tired of the same old algorithmic problems on traditional platforms? Do you have a unique problem idea but lack the resources to bring it to life? Look no further! Introducing Olympath AI, the ultimate tool for creating custom competitive programming problems on Codeforces using codeforces polygon. Here is the site: Olympath AI If you want to know more about the site Olympath AI, follow my Instagram, please!

My Instagram post

I want to make the site better and more comfortable for users (please don't be toxic here, I created this for everyone). I hope this will boost the community and people will create more exciting problems.

Please reach out to me through my LinkedIn My Linkedin. I will have posted a blog there also!

Here is a quick tutorial on how it would work through photos. Create your problem by giving some details about it (or use the given examples).

Customize your problem if there were mistakes, you can create tests using AI, write your own solution or ask AI to solve it.

You will need a codeforces polygon account! Going to the settings page to get your API Key and Secret!

If you think everything is correct, go ahead and press the button at the bottom to create the problem to your polygon account!

That is all, thank you very much!

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By BrynzaMasterZa228, history, 11 months ago, In English

The 2nd day of IOI has finished and dissapointment arouses in China resulting in 4 participants who didn't solve full, who we can only imagine what will happen to them after losing -31415926535897932384626433832 social credits.

!!Friendly reminder it is only jokes!!

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By BrynzaMasterZa228, history, 11 months ago, In English

China has only gotten 3 participants who have solved all of the problems in the first day of IOI. I can only imagine what will happen to the participant who didn't solve full. -9999999999999 Social credits

!Friendly reminder it is only jokes!

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By BrynzaMasterZa228, 11 months ago, In English This is my solution using 2d fenwick tree.

I am getting runtime error when sending my solution in C++14(gcc 8.3) and C++(gcc 8.3), however when i send it in C++(g++ 4.3.2) i get accepted.

Does anyone know why i get runtime error? What should i do to get accepted

Update: I solved it without 2d fenwick tree using scanline(kinda) on 2d technique

However, i would still love some answers on why my initial solution was incorrect

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By BrynzaMasterZa228, history, 20 months ago, In English

I just solved a problem that need 3^n recursion 0,1,2 0=not choose, 1=choose one way, 2=choose 2nd way like this, and its messy cause we need the path we took also it itself doesnt seem nice, can you guys please write your ways of writing .

sorry i will reply hours late cause i will sleep rn

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