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Equilibrium's blog

By Equilibrium, history, 5 years ago, In English

Before I start programming and studying for ACM, I wanted to be a civil engineer (My dad's job). In Iran, we have to participate in konkoor exam, in order to be able to enter good universities. My score was not that good to be accepted in computer engineering, And so I chose to be a civil engineer and I was accepted to Amirkabir University of technology, 3rd university in Iran. In all semesters, I was saying "oh Man, don't you want to change your Major to computer engineering? The one that you had dreams about becoming a famous ACM er! But, civil engineering was good! I was ranked one in my faculty, so why would I change my major?" I decided to double major with it instead of changing my major completely. But I was still only taking courses from civil eng faculty not any from computer engineering. I was not sure. I already had a good condition at the Civil Engineering faculty on Amirkabir university of technology so why should I ruin it? why shouldn't I continue my masters in it or in an MBA at sharif? I had been accepted to both, without any further exams, because my grades were so good! Suddenly, everything was changed! when I was in the 6th semester, I was diagnosed with a benign but rare ailment(disease) which I (and probably you) had never heard of it! It was not serious, BUT, the only problem is that no one knows when it is going to be away. Oh! What the ....! I took a semester off and was transferred to Qazvin University, where I could spend time with my parents. In fact, I was only allowed to spend a semester with my family in my city and then I needed to return to Amirkabir. The funny part was that the scores I'd get in Qazvin would not be considered in Amirkabir university. Only that I had passed the course mattered, so given that Qazvin university was not as good (and as hard to pass courses) as Amirkabir and that scores would not be counted in my average, I had enough time to think about my choice! Master of civil engineering at Amirkabir? Master of MBA at sharif or 2nd Bachelor at Amirkabir? I started to read my ACM books again randomly. I solved the first 50 questions of the Project Euler website (for the 3rd time) and found that "Oh! Where have you been all these years?". In fact, civil engineering was somewhat an art and I loved to make buildings (like in Minecraft!) but it had never satisfied me with facing me hard problems! Anyway, at that time I also became to know Randy Pausch (I suggest you do the same) and watched one (and the most famous) of his lectures: "The final lecture"! It was like an hour, but I remember two quotes from it:

1st: We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand. I had been given a rare disease card which I could not simply return it. All I could do was to accept it and live my life to the fullest! And thanks to Amgen (a Famous pharmaceutical company) I was taking really good (and very expensive) drugs and my disease was now in control. 2nd: Don't forget your childhood dreams. They lead you to something good. Bingo! What a good hint!

So I made my mind. After I returned to Amirkabir (And still taking my drug) I resigned from my position at master's degree and began to take courses from computer Engineering faculty. I was in semester 8, But I had to start things from semester 1! I had to take a C programming course (Despite the fact that I insisted that I am a previous ACM er and really good at C). Anyway, I assume it takes me 2-3 years to take this bachelor in computer engineering, and also finish my final courses in civil engineering. This is my life! I love it! Right now, I think it's too late for me to start ACM again. Currently, I study AI in my free times and it looks really cool. Sorry if I wrote so long, But the only thing I wanted to mention, is something about the cards you are given by your life, and about your childhood dream (and a suggestion to watch Randy Pausch final lecture). Happy 2020 to everyone. Sincerely, Hossein.

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By Equilibrium, 10 years ago, In English

I wanted to share an experience about computer .Many of us wear glasses (and many are about to).I think people whose job is related to computer (like programmers) must try to keep their eyes as well as the first they they sat in front of computer .I have several tips for keeping eyes healthy that you may want to read :

  1. Position your screen about an arm’s length from your eyes and 20 degrees below eye level.

  2. Set colour and contrast tones to suit your eyes, and match the brightness of your screen with your surroundings.

  3. Minimize reflected glare on your screen by using dimmer switches on lights and a protective anti-glare screen cover. Also consider positioning your screen so that it sits perpendicular to windows and other bright light sources. If you are having trouble locating the source of the glare, turn off your monitor to reveal a darkened screen, and tilt/swivel your monitor until the reflection disappears.

  4. Keep your screen free of fingerprints and dust, as both can reduce visual clarity.

  5. If you alternate between looking at your screen and paperwork, consider obtaining a clipboard that attaches alongside your monitor so that the two are at the same working distance.

  6. Use the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes take a 20 second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away (the water cooler, possibly?). This will give your eyes a much-needed break and reduce some of the symptoms mentioned earlier.

  7. Remember to blink! Did you know that on average we blink 12 times per minute, but when we’re on the computer, we only blink 5 times per minute? That can add up to dry eyes. Relieve the discomfort by using artificial teardrops or gels and remembering to blink. Consult your optometrist to determine which eye drops are best to relieve your dry eyes.

  8. Ask for anti-reflective coatings on the lenses of your glasses, which can be applied at the time of manufacturing, to protect your eyes from bright and/or flickering light sources such as fluorescent lights. Your Doctor of Optometry can even talk to you about eyewear designed specifically for computer use.


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By Equilibrium, 10 years ago, In English

Hey , I have a question about BellmanFord algorithm . As i have seen in pseudocodes they say for a u-v edge , we check if we can shorter the distance or not (if(Distance[u]+Weight[u-v]<Distance[v] then Distance[v]=Distance[u]+Weight[u-v]) but my question is when edges are bidirectional are we supposed to check for the other endpoint or one is enough ?


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