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Автор adviser, история, 22 месяца назад, По-английски

Hello, my team want to register for ICPC india amritapuri site and but after selecting asia west , I am not able to select amritapuri regionals. Please help for how to register for icpc amritapuri programming contest 2022.

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Автор adviser, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

I think we all know how usefull the virtual contest feature is whenever you missed in any contest or wants to practice real time but codechef still don't have this feature. I request CodeChef_admin to have a look and do some needfull. Also codechef is doing great by introducing numeric difficulty level to problems + great UI and much more features.

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Автор adviser, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

As we all know codechef does not allow anyone to see testcases because they think it will spoil the fun of thinking extra bit. but i think that even after trying 2-3 hour if one is stuck and does not know where it is going wrong one should see the testcase because though editorial are avaible but for practice one need to know why his/her code is not working or where it is going wrong. because of testcases many people do not practice on codechef.

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Автор adviser, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

I was solving a question on gcd : (https://codeforces.com/contest/798/problem/C). here the inbuild function of gcd in c++ i.e __gcd(a,b) gives the wrong answer. the gcd of -2 and 4 should be 2. but inbuild function in sublime gives answer -2. can anyone explain why? later when i searced i founded that __gcd(a,b) == __gcd(|a|,|b|) but there is no where written that you only have to pass non negative number in GCD funtion in c++. thank you in advance.

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Автор adviser, история, 3 года назад, По-английски

hello community. Since a long time I was thinking about this but now i have decided to write a blog on it and your views are welcomed. In Codechef I have seen a very unusual thing that is every problem have same point that is 100 or sometimes 1 point which is not fair.let us understand with an example given below. . there are two person say bob and alice giving div2 contest. bob has solved div2A question in 15 minutes and alice have solve directly div2C in 15 minutes so technically alice rank should be better then bob rank because alice has solved a problem which is harder then bob solved the problem but the reason is every problem has same points so that means either you solve first question or last question you will be judged only on time.

In codeforces contest(excluding div3 and educational round) every problem have points like div2A has 500 , div2B has 1000 and so on. so if anyone solve div2C in 15 minutes he/she will be having more points and offcourse his rank will be better then anyone who has solved div2A.

so codechef should also giving points on problem so if anyone solve hard problem early would have much much better rank.

what are your views community. please let me know? please do some needfull Um_nik antontrygubO_o

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