IG0R's blog

By IG0R, 14 months ago, In English

Codeforces blogs are really an amazing feature of codeforces and I read multiple of them. I mostly just go through the Recent Actions blogs and sometimes google some blogs on some specific topic. And although the googling part works just fine I don't really understand what is happening with the Recent Actions tab. Here is what I think:

  1. Why am I seeing editorials of contests that often happened years ago? What is even the point of having links to editorials on the Recent Actions tab? And one more question is why am I getting contest announcement blogs that are also sometimes years old on my Recent Actions tab? I think of codeforces blogs as something where I can read about things like specific algorithms, strategies, motivation, people's journeys with CP, etc. It's not like when I want to read some interesting blogs that I go and read an editorial for some round that happened a decade ago and I probably didn't even do a single problem from that round.
  1. Spam blogs are getting popular lately. There are certainly many blogs written by ChatGPT and many blogs that are simply just spamming with stupid questions or something that was answered before (for example the "How to get red" blog or "How to practice"). Some time ago I came across this blog Here and I agree with the author. There certainly should be some group of moderators that would check the blogs and either accept them or reject them. And if that's not really possible for now I guess there should be way more strict requirements to write your first blog.
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