little_sister's blog

By little_sister, history, 6 months ago, In English

The teams feature on codeforces let you join team and practice in training together. It is a wonderful system that provide options and encourage cooperation. However, the team history feature that come along with it can be a bit problematic.

If you haven't noticed, once you leave a team by either getting kicked or just leaving it yourself, the team will show up on your teams page under history. This will be shown for everyone, so it's available even if you're not logged in. As far as I know, there is currently no way to hide this.

This can be problematic because if you agree to join a team and then was kicked, whoever is left in the team can essentially write anything they want on a part of your profile. This can be something benign like simple jokes/memes, something more problematic like opinions no one should hold, or straight up just doxxing by writing your real name or some kind of unique identifier.

Further more, sometime people just want to forget. Imagine dating someone and you solve problems together, but then you broke up and every times you check the teams page you are reminded of them. At least for people who have name like I_love_, they can wait for yearly magic to change their name.

Therefore, I would like to propose the feature to completely remove an user from a team (triggered by that user). I imagine it would do the following things:

  • Remove the user from the teams and do not show the team if profile.
  • Furthermore, replace their name with a ghost team member for all other places, so in submissions and the team's page.

I understand that it might be hard to implement things that way, so maybe a checkbox in Settings to hide teams / teams history will do. If the developer are feeling generous, maybe we can even have team-specific setting for which team to show.

Please upvote this blog if you want this feature or something similar, and let's discuss about this proposal and the teams history feature in general.

P/S: I'm posting from a random account I asked a friend to give me access to, because I don't want you to know my (now-ex) boyfriend's handle.

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6 months ago, # |
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