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evandrix's blog

By evandrix, 12 years ago, In English

Vector: []++


  • empty vector: vector<int> v;
  • array of 10 vector<int>s: vector<int> v[10];
  • vector with 10 int elements: vector<int> v(10);


vector<int> v1;
// …
vector<int> v2 = v1;   // make a copy?
vector<int> v3(v1);   // identical to v2's init
// …
vector<int> v4(1000);   // specific size: 1000 0's
// …
vector<int> v5(20, "Unknown");   // initial value
// …
vector<int> v6(v1.begin(), v1.end()); // [begin,end)
int data[] = { 1,2,3,…,8,9 };
vector<int> v7(data, data+(sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]))); // data+length=.end()
vector<int> v8(v1.begin(), v1.begin()+(v1.size()/2)); // 1st half of v1
// 1st half of v1, ordered back-to-front
vector<int> v9(v1.rbegin()+(v.size()/2), v.rend());


  • unsigned: macro #define sz(C) return (int) C.size()
  • use empty() instead of size() == 0, because of runtime complexity



  • smaller: delete elements
  • larger: pad with zeros (obj: NULL)
  • resize(), push_back(): elements are added AFTER newly allocated size, not INTO it, eg.
vector<int> v(20);
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
   v.push_back(…); // writes to v[25..30], not v[20..25]!


  • makes vector contain 0 elements, not zero out elements

Multidimensional arrays: vector< vector<> >

int N,M;
// matrix of size N*M filled with -1's
vector< vector<int> > Matrix(N, vector<int>(M, -1));


  • add data to somewhere other than the end (=push_back())
// insert value 42 after first element
// other elements 2nd-last are shifted downward
v.insert(1, 42);

// interval form
// shift elements 2nd-last by appropriate offset
// copy contents of v2 into v
v.insert(1, all(v2));


  • single element: erase(iterator);
  • interval form: erase(begin iterator, end iterator);


void some_function(vector<int> v) { // NO: makes a copy
   // …

void some_function(const vector<int>& v) { // YES: unmodifiable ref
   // …
// … or …
void modify_vector(vector<int>& v) {


int data[10] = { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 };
reverse(data+2, data+6);
// range {5,7,9,11} -> {11,9,7,5}


  • search for appropriate elements in an interval
  1. element found: pointer to instance of first occurrence int index = find(v.begin(), v.end(), 49) - v.begin(); < v.size()
  2. otherwise: end of interval find(v.begin(), v.end(), 49) == v.end();


  • returns iterator to respective element int index = min/max_element(v.begin(), v.end()) - v.begin(); int value = *min/max_element(v.begin(), v.end());

#define all(c) c.begin(),c.end()


  • ascending: sort(v.begin(), v.end());
  • descending: sort(v.rbegin(), v.rend());


pair<string, pair<int, int> > P;
string s = P.first;
int x = P.second.first;
int y = P.second.second;
  • advantage: builtin comparison operators, ie. lexicographical
  • pair[]/vector<pair<> > sorted by STL internally
// sort array of integer points so they form a polygon
vector< pair<double, pair<int,int> > points; // { polar angle, (x,y) }
  • also used in associative containers, eg. map

Iterator: generalised container data access

performs following operations only

  • take value (unary *)
  • comparison (</!=)
  • increment/decrement (++/--)
  • add immediate, ie. it+=20: shift 20 elements forward
  • get distance b/w iterators, ie. int n=it2-it1;

types: normal vs. random access

  • normal can be compared with ==/!=, allows ++/--
  • but not subtracted, nor added: cannot implement in O(1) for all container types

<algorithm>: .begin() & .end() point to first invalid object, NOT last element

  • c.begin() == c.end() iff c.empty()
  • c.end() - c.begin() = c.size()
void reverse_array(int *A, int N) {
   int first = 0, last = N-1;
   while (first < last)
      swap(A[first], A[last]); // cannot index all container types in O(1), eg. doubly linked list

void reverse_array(int *A, int N) { // iterator-style
   int *first = A, *last = N-1;
   while (first < last)
      swap(*first, *last);

// does not use '<'
template<typename T> void reverse_array(T *first, T *last) {
   if (first != last)
      while (true)
         swap(*first, *last);
         if (first == last)
         if (first == last)

/** identical to std::reverse(T begin, T end) in <algorithm> */
// .end() = *last + 1;
// STL-compliant
template<typename T> void reverse_array(T *begin, T *end) { 
   if (begin != end)
      if (begin != end)
         while (true)
            swap(*begin, *end);
            if (begin == end)
            if (begin == end)
  • types: ::iterator, const_iterator, reverse_iterator, const_reverse_iterator
// '!=' instead of '<'
for(vector<int>::iterator it=v.begin(); it!=v.end(); it++)

#define tr(container, it) \
   for(typeof(container.begin()) it=container.begin(); it!=container.end(); it++)

String: vs. vector<char>

  • string manipulation functions & memory management policy


  • s.substr(start_index[, end_index]);, eg. (0,s.length()-1), (1)
  • s.length()-1 on empty string .empty(): s.length() is unsigned; unsigned(0)-1?
  • split string function?


  • init: int data[5]={5,1,4,2,3}; set<int> S(data, data+5);
  • no duplicates
  • order-independent
  • check membership
  • comparable elements
  • add,remove,check in O(log N); count in O(1)
  • insert(elem)
  • erase(elem) interval form: s.erase(s.find(10), s.find(100)); // erase [10,100)
  • size()
  • iterator traversal
  • <algorithm> find() in O(N); <set> find() in O(log N)
#define present(container, element) (container.find(element) != container.end())
#define cpresent(container, element) (find(all(container),element) != container.end())
  • remove duplicates from vector
  • sort(all(v)); v.resize(unique(all(v)) — v.begin());
  • v is now de-duplicated and sorted ascending


map<string, int> M;
M["A"] = 1;
M.find("A") != M.end();
  • traversing iterator = pair<key, value>, ie. it->second;
  • operator[] vs. map::find()
  • find() preserves map contents
  • [] creates non-existent elements
  • use find() in loops

Set & Map are stored as R-B trees

++/-- defined on Set & Map


  • min(a,b)
  • max(a,b)
  • swap(a,b)
  • sort(begin,end)
  • find(begin,end,element): set/map have their own defined
  • count(begin,end,element): set/map have their own defined
  • prev/next_permutation(begin,end): return false if exhausted; CONTAINER MUST BE SORTED FIRST!


const string& s;
istringstream is(s);
int tmp;
is >> tmp;

int tmp;
ostringstream os;
os << tmp;
string s = os.str();


typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<vi> vii;
typedef pair<int, int> ii;
#define sz(a) int((a).size())
#define pb push_back
#define all(c) (c).begin(),(c).end()
#define tr(c,l) for (typeof((c).begin()) i=(c).begin(); i!=(c).end(); i++)
#define present(c,x) ((c).find(x) != (c).end())
#define cpresent(c,x) (find(all(c),x) != (c).end())
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12 years ago, # |
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"remove duplicates from vector: set s(all(v)); vector v2(all(s)); v2 contains elements from v, de-duplicated, sorted ascending" It's better to use: "sort(all(v)); v.resize(unique(all(v)) — v.begin());"