kusumit's blog

By kusumit, history, 6 years ago, In English

I've competed in several AtCoder Grand Contests (AGC) and have noticed that my performance in these is much worse than in Codeforces Div. 2 contests. Moreover, I find the problems in AGCs on average much more interesting than those in Div. 2 contests. I want to improve at AGCs specifically, and I was wondering if there were specific websites/sources of problems to train on that have the most overlap with AGC-style problems. So far, I've come up with the following:

-Practice previous AGCs

-AtCoder Regular Contest

-TopCoder (problems tend to be more math/thinking and less implementation heavy than Codeforces)

What are your thoughts on the above three sources, and do you know of any others that would serve as good practice for AGCs?

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6 years ago, # |
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I think those three sources are good. I also recommend GCJ's problems.

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    6 years ago, # ^ |
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    Really? I would say that GCJ tends to give problems about geometry, flows and some random shit (thanks to Petr I guess), and these topics are almost never on AtCoder. And judging solely on my performance, I would say that GCJ and AtCoder are on polar sides of spectrum: I'm quite good at AtCoder (my rating is insanely high comparing to other sites) and I never were even close to qualifying to GCJ finals.