khanaleemullah's blog

By khanaleemullah, 11 years ago, In English

Guys...need some advice from you people... I am not able to solve problems related to trees, graphs, shortest path on Codeforces and Topcoder. Whenever I see any such problems I just skip them. What is the solution. I know I will get these problems through practises. But how should I move ahead. From where should I start I tried the topcoder tutorial but they explain it giving example of DIV1500 or 1000 pointer. So Obviously it becomes very difficult to move ahead with. I obviosly know the basics of Dfs Bfs algorithm and trees. But how should I implement. What is the best way to learn. Is it by exploring the question related to Dfs and Bfs on codeforces and starting with one which has the maximum number of solution and then looking other good people solutions./??...

Thank you. :)

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11 years ago, # |
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I guess, the best way is to never give up. When I see other guys having much higher rating than I do, I try to think of a way how did they get that far. And as far as I understand, these guys don't even think of whether it's hard for them to solve a particular problem. They ask themselves another question: "how?".

So, my advice would be to try searching for possible solutions to the problem. And when you find them, don't ask yourself whether it's hard for you to implement such a solution, but just try to do it.

There is a famous motto from Nike: "Just Do It!". Hence, don't ask yourself demotivating questions. Motivation is always up to you.

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    11 years ago, # ^ |
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    Thank you the problems like DIV1500 and 1000 not that difficult to implement as compare to how much we think?...

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      11 years ago, # ^ |
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      I think you're asking me a bad question. You're asking whether it is hard for you to solve those problems.

      I would say, it is always as hard as you think it is, i.e. if you believe it's hard for you, then you won't solve it.

      And one more thing: once you solved a problem, you don't consider it a hard problem any more, because a hard problem is the one you don't know solution to.

      Hope that helps :)