ayush19's blog

By ayush19, history, 4 years ago, In English

 Hello Codeforces!

AIcrowd and AI for GOOD are driven to solve real world problems through challenges and collective effort of the data science community.From experts to enthusiasts we appreciate and value the participation and contribution of each and every single member of the community.

We realised, that at the heart of solving these varied, complex , open-ended and sometimes 'yet-unsolved' real world challenges, lies the crucial art of problem solving, an art which is very much what this brilliant community of CodeForces is all about!

So we welcome you all to participate in our AI for Good — AI Blitz #3, a 21 day competition for all AI/Ml enthusiast,with prize pool of 1000 CHF with a touch of competitive programming especially for you guys. The following are the puzzles of the competition:

The puzzles are:

SUDOKU Solve Sudokus from photos

SNAKE Given an image of a snake, classify if it is venomous or not

FNEWS Differentiate real news from the the fake news generated by GPT 2

LNDST Given an image, classify whether the location has water or not

AUTODRI Predict the next second steering angle of a driver-less car.

Let us join these two different and yet similar communities and do what we all love to do, solve problems!

Participate Now

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