Блог пользователя Coder_12

Автор Coder_12, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

I was thinking of leaving my college because I don't feel like getting any useful skill . Can I still get a job in companies like google .also I don't have any prior experience .

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2 года назад, # |
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Indian parents: hold my chappal

2 года назад, # |
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Maybe you can try and compensate with some kind of certified online courses

2 года назад, # |
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I was in the same situation as you , but my parents didn't allowed me, so i didn't study at all,i had terrible grades in my college, all i did was binge watched anime and cp and played a lot of sports , still got into Google.

So you can just somehow get passing grades and enjoy life and just do useful things that would matter.

But atleast reach CM and have good achievements on your resume if you are compromising.

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    2 года назад, # ^ |
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    what other than cp, and dsa, you are referring as good achievements.? Or what other skills i have to master to get into google

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      2 года назад, # ^ |
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      Honestly google technical round is whole algo based. now only thing remains is googlyness, so if you are fresher depending upon interview loop either there would be separate round or within the technical round of 15 minutes.

      if it is separate it would be given weightage importantly so your college projects would matter a lot, in my case as I am mathematically inclined , i had chosen ML as my domain for whatever projects i want to develop. so they could ask anything like what difficulty you faced ?? how did you overcome ?? so good projects one or two at most and maybe some hackathon wins (not in my case) would be very good, but again DSA achievements overrules all in case of google.

2 года назад, # |
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I also sometimes contemplate dropping out of college, but it can have lots of problems, like If sometime in future you wanna pursue higher education, you'll have issues Many companies still care about graduation. Not having complete confidence on decision.

2 года назад, # |
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Bro if you want a job in tech companies in India . You. Must require a college degree. freelancing is an option but not for getting into tech companies .

2 года назад, # |
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If you don't have any other experience, staying in college is your best bet to get a job.