ECPC Teens qualification contest 2024

Revision en4, by Mohammed_Waleed, 2024-07-27 22:25:07

Hallo everyone,

I'm writing this post just to be a memory about that day.

Few days ago (exactly on 22/7/2024), me and my teammate youssef_hany participated in the ECPC Teens qualification contest.

It was our first time, we have been preparing for it for months.

Unfortunately, we were not qualified to participate in the next division as there was some issues in the problemset and it was inappropriate as all the problems were either too easy or too hard.

Overall the experience was great, we solved 5 problems and we were trying to solve the 6th one for the last second, we had a lot of fun.

So hope that we can participate the next year, it will be exhausting because we will be in 3rd secondary which requires much effort to study and solve problems at the same time.

congratulations for the qualified teams and wait for us next year ;-)

Finally I'd like to thank zyadhany for supporting us and helping us in the preparations (he is my teammate's brother btw)

Infinity Syntax


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English Mohammed_Waleed 2024-07-27 22:25:07 0 (published)
en3 English Mohammed_Waleed 2024-07-27 22:23:51 18 Tiny change: '9ab.jpg)\n**Infini' -> '9ab.jpg)\n\n**Infini'
en2 English Mohammed_Waleed 2024-07-27 22:23:07 2 Tiny change: '9ab.jpg)\n**Infini' -> '9ab.jpg)\n\n**Infini'
en1 English Mohammed_Waleed 2024-07-27 22:22:14 1142 Initial revision (saved to drafts)