Doubt regarding java HashMaps

Правка en1, от sanket407, 2017-06-29 18:04:36

I am sure most of you must be familiar with union find data structure and the recursive findParent() in it. I usually use array par[] for it. But today i couldnt use array due to large range of values. So i used HashMaps instead. So foll. code was malfunctioning :

return par.get(x) < 0 ? x : (par.put(x, root(par.get(x)))); it was returning x even if par.get(x) > 0.

So i converted it to :

if(par.get(x) < 0)
             return x;
       int p  = root(par.get(x));
       par.put(x, p);
       return p;

And it worked fine . So what why did the first code fail ?? any inputs ??

Теги union find, #dsu


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en1 Английский sanket407 2017-06-29 18:04:36 683 Initial revision (published)