Need a problem list containing specific-categorized problems of different types.

Правка en2, от Redslayer, 2020-03-19 12:50:47

Hello everyone!!

Codeforces or other online judges enable us to find problems of different categories like "Graph Theory", "Dynamic Programming" etc.

But these sites do not provide filtering options like "Dynamic Programming of type 0/1 Knapsack" or "Dynamic Programming of type coin change" or this type of very specific topic wise classifications.

Hence I am asking the community for any source that may contain a detail list like that, or calling to help me build a list, that will feature problems, each of different types, which will help a competitive programmer to learn new problem solving techniques by solving a wide variety of problems from that list.


There are cases where one mightn't have even heard the topic "coin-change", hence a list like that is then useful to introduce a new learner to various new topics very fast.

Because I believe if you teach someone 100 different problem solving techniques, he may use them to solve 100,000 more problems of those 100 different types.

But if someone continues to iterate over a general category, and keep solving problems one by one, chances are s/he might just solve a lot of problems from only 2-3 types under that category, and may never know the existence of a lot other types under that category.

Теги competitive programming, #problem solving


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en2 Английский Redslayer 2020-03-19 12:50:47 619 Tiny change: ' Reason:\n### \n\nThere ' -> ' Reason:\n\nThere '
en1 Английский Redslayer 2020-03-19 12:05:46 770 Initial revision (published)