Doubt in logic of this problem(Codeforces Round 677)

Правка en2, от Akash_Roy, 2020-10-23 07:46:42

This is the problem link

This is the editorial link

We select members for first round dance. Then members of second round dance get automatically selected . Hence the factor nC(n/2). Then we arrange both the round dance. This leads to nC(n/2)*(n-1)!*(n-1)! {Circular permutation}. After this why are we dividing the answer only by 2? I feel we should divide final answer by 4 since there are two round dances. Since clockwise and anticlockwise arrangement does not matter, the final answer should be [nC(n/2)*(n-1)!*(n-1)!]/4. Why is it [nC(n/2)*(n-1)!*(n-1)!]/2 ?

Please help.

Sorry for my poor number formatting.

Теги #math, #combinatorics, #div 3, #codeforces


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en2 Английский Akash_Roy 2020-10-23 07:46:42 33 Tiny change: 'nswer by 4. Since cl' -> 'nswer by 4 since there are two round dances. Since cl'
en1 Английский Akash_Roy 2020-10-23 07:42:49 740 Initial revision (published)