Basic of Developing computer games in Pygame

Правка en2, от contactcodezine, 2021-02-08 15:16:43

Creating computer games or learning it required a lot of programming language and often starts from the basics. This process is done in a slow way. pygame can be a wonderful method for starting in python through which you can learn how to write games and other graphical programs. A primer in a pregame assumes that you had a basics understanding of writing python games including its functions, loops, imports, and conditionals. You had to be familiar with the basics of learning. Mostly pygame works with most versions of python.

What are pygame and its setup?

Pygame is an open-source platform for creating and developing games using python. It used the SDL library (simple direct media layer) which provides certain multimedia hardware components such as a mouse, video, joystick, and key. Pip is the best method for installing pygame. - To install use the pip command - After that, you can verify it by loading one of the examples from the library and if the game window appears then the pygame is installed. And if theirs is some issues in installing then you can check it on the getting started guide outlines. - Now, before heading to the specifics one lets take a look at the basics pygame program. Given below is the code from step to step. - First is to install and import the pygame library without this step there is no pygame. - Next is setting up your program’s display windows. Taking this as a tuple or as a function you need to suspect the width and length of a window to create. - Setting up a game loop to check and control where the game ends and also scanning and handling it which is done by the pygame. - Also filling the windows and background with colors. - Next is updating the events and contents of the screen and lastly exit pygame when the loop finishes.

Concepts of pygame

Both pygame and the SDL library varied cross platforms which means both need to work with various hardware realities and therefore understanding the concepts and abstractions will help you to develop your own games. The pygame library had a number of python constructs and several different modules that are used to provide access to specific hardware on the system and also work with that hardware. Since these modules are for specific hardware the code for initializing of pygame is required for working on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Pygame displays and surfaces

The surfaces basically use is of a rectangular area on which you can draw. Various surface objects are also in pygame. You can also load an image into the surface and display it on the screen. The image modules access you to load and save images in many different formats. Rectangles are mostly used in many surface objects in pygame and for that, there is a special Rect class for handling them. Rect objects are used in the game for players and enemies and to make collisions between them.

Game design: before processing the game you should keep some basic design and gameplay in your mind such as a like goal of the game, player movement, and its obstacle or end of the game.

Some of the steps in designing the game are:

Initializing and importing pygame: after importing the game and initialize it allows the pygame to connect its abstractions to your specific hardware. The pygame library comprises various things like mouse movements, keystrokes, etc by importing specific constants from pygame you can use syntax which can save some keystrokes. You can set up the display or create a screen by passing a tuple with the desired width and height in windows. the surface also represents the inside dimensions of the window whereas the OS controls the title bar and border of the window. The setting of the game loop: Every game had a game loop to controls gameplay. This gameplay provides some main things like updating display and audio, processing user input, and maintaining a speed of the game. A frame is known as the cycle in the game loop and every time you do things quickly in each cycle, the faster the game will go on running. A game loop processes the user input to allow the player to move around the screen which can be done by the pygame event system.

Pygame processing events:

Events can process at any time. All events in pygame are placed in an event queue, which can be accessed and manipulated and dealing with them is known as event handler. Every event in pygame has an event type and its data associated with them according to your game.

Drawing on the surface:

You can also draw on a surface that is of a rectangular shape or as a sheet of paper. You can also create your own surface objects different from the display screen.

Теги pygame, game


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en2 Английский contactcodezine 2021-02-08 15:16:43 46
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