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ankitsablok19091989's blog

By ankitsablok19091989, 13 years ago, In English

Albeit, Codeforces is a great coding platform but I have always felt the need for something called a customized contest which aim at some specific topics in programming and algorithms which besides involving more participation will also encourage new coders who don't participate in regular DIV1 and DIV2 contests because of the fear of drop in the ratings to enter the contests and give them some time prior to the contests to prepare those topics and then try hands on in the contest and judge the level of skill or the grip they hold in the topic asked in the contests. The topics can be released to the participants a week prior to the contest so that the students get time to prepare such kind of questions. This will also lead to Codeforces being a much better learning platform besides being a gr8 coding platform already :).

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