triggered_'s blog

By triggered_, history, 3 years ago, In English

Q.Find the number of pairs in the array whose bitwise AND is greater then K?

Size of Array: N=5*(10^5)

Elements in Array: (10^9)>=a[i]>=1

Range for K: (10^9)>=K>=0

Expected Time Complexity: O(N) or O(NlogN)

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By triggered_, history, 4 years ago, In English

Recently De-shaw visited our campus and in coding round I am unable to solve this Problem.

Thanos is on his mission to destroy the universe. He comes across a new galaxy "Ravura". There are n planets lined up one after the other in Ravura. Thanos wants to destroy this galaxy, for which he will have to destroy each planet.

Thanos can destroy a planet Pi ( 1 <=i<=n ) by:

• Firing a bomb at Pi, but it incurs him a cost ci.

•If Pi-1 & Pi+1 have been destroyed , Thanos can destroy Pi (1 < i < n )with a snap of his fingers. This does not incur him any cost .

You are given a function destroy with 2 parameters. Return the minimum cost Thanos should incur to destroy all the planets in Ravura.


  1. A binary array p, where 'O' and '1' represent existent and destroyed planets respectively. (Seems Ronan has already done some part of the work. )
  2. An integer array c , where ci represents the cost of destroying a planet.

Input Format:

The locked code stub in the editor reads the following input from stdin:

First line contains the value n, the size of array p.

Next n lines contains the elements of the array p.

Next line contains the value n, the size of array c.

Next n lines contains the elements of the array c.



0<=p[i]<=1 where (1<=i<= n)

1<=c[i]<=10^9 where(1<=i<= n)

Output Format:

Return an integer from the function destroy.

Sample Input 1:











Sample Output 1:


Function to complete is

long destroy(vectorp, vector c){


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