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twoseven's blog

By twoseven, history, 2 years ago, In English

Problem Statement

In this challenge, you are given a tree with nodes coloured as red or black and your goal is to change the colour of all the nodes as described.

Given a tree of tree_nodes vertices numbered from 1 to tree_nodes and rooted at vertex 1. Initially, all the vertices except 1 are coloured red. Vertex 1 is coloured black.

  • Select any red vertex adjacent to at least one of the black-coloured vertices and change the colour of that selected vertex to black. If there are multiple such vertices, choose any one of them.

Find the number of ways to change and colour all the tree vertices into black. Since this number can be large, return it modulo 10^9 + 7.

Note: Two ways are considered different if the nodes coloured in the ith step is different in the two ways.

For Example: Given tree_nodes = 4, tree_from[1, 1, 2], tree_to = [2, 3, 4]
1. Change the colour of vertex 3 to black(since vertex 1 is already black). Now, change the colour of vertex 2 to black (since vertex 1 is already coloured black). And finally, change the colour of vertex 4 to black(since vertex 2 is already coloured black).

2. Change the colour of vertex 2 to black(since vertex 1 is already black). Now, change the colour of vertex 3 to black (since vertex 1 is already coloured black). And finally, change the colour of vertex 4 to black(since vertex 2 is already coloured black).

3. Change the colour of vertex 2 to black(since vertex 1 is already black). Now, change the colour of vertex 4 to black (since vertex 2 is already coloured black). And finally, change the colour of vertex 3 to black(since vertex 1 is already coloured black).

Hence answer is 3.


2 <= tree_nodes <= 10^5
1 <= tree_from <= tree_nodes
1 <= tree_to <= tree_nodes

I was thinking a lot about this problem but didn't get the correct idea.
Please share your ideas via comments. Thank You <3

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By twoseven, history, 2 years ago, In English
Problem 1
Problem 2

It would be very helpful if some can share their approach to these problems. Thanks!!

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By twoseven, history, 3 years ago, In English

Hey Codeforces, This blog is intended for those who want to practice virtual contests frequently. I have made a goal to practice in mashup contests as frequently as I can and till now I have participated in 70+ mashup contests along with a small group of other coders.

Today I thought of engaging more coders from the Codeforces community. And to achieve this I have a Discord, Telegram channel where I will be posting the invitation link for the mashup contest.

And also a Youtube channel where I will be posting the video editorials for the respective mashups after the contest. I hope it will be helpful for those who are looking for practicing a quality problemset and compete with other coders.

Note: Neither any of the problem gets repeated in future mashups nor you will be getting already solved problem.

UPD : Join the Codeforces Group

Here you will find all the virtuals till now and upsolve the problems for previous virtuals.

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