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How to solve this co-prime sequence problem ?

Правка en1, от LovesProgramming, 2020-03-30 22:20:39

We are given an array "A" of size "N"

Constraints :

1) 1<=N<=100

2) 1<=A[i]<=30

We have to generate an array "b" of size "N" such that for all pairs (i,j) , gcd(b[i],b[j]) = 1, holds true for array "b" .

The value to be calculated is : abs(A[1]-b[1]) + abs(A[2]-b[2]) + ...... + .... + ..... abs(A[n] — b[n]) = x

We have to minimize the value of 'x'.

How to generate an array "b" which minimizes the value of "x" ?

Example array "A" :- {1,2,4,6,8}

Output array "b" : — {1,2,3,5,7}

and x = 3, which is the minimum possible value.

I got code for this problem in a group : — https://ideone.com/VUyN5p

But still cannot get the idea behind the solution.

Теги co-primes


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en1 Английский LovesProgramming 2020-03-30 22:20:39 754 Initial revision (published)