Блог пользователя Hailo

Автор Hailo, история, 7 лет назад, По-английски

Hi CF. I would like to invite everyone to take part in the TAP this Saturday at 1pm GMT-5. This contest is the preliminary contest for the Argentinian teams. The mirror will be handled by the Red de Programación Competitiva, a group that host many contest over the year as training for the ICPC Latin America regional. Follow them at Facebook

You can register in the following link and then enroll in the activity 11 of this Saturday here.

The system used is BOCA, I think is a Brazilian system so maybe not everyone knows it, but you can test it in the past activities. For example here

Just take some of the RPC-team free users and leave the password field empty, then change the password in the options menu and remember you user. The problems aren't in the contest anymore but you can download them here

Usually, only Latin American teams compete at RPC, so will be interesting to see flags from different countries in the scoreboard. See you there guys

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Автор Hailo, история, 8 лет назад, По-английски

Hi, could someone help me solving the following problem? LINK

I've tried 2 solutions, one with complexity O(N^3 logN) using two mutlisets and other O(N^3 log^2N) using a BIT (I have the test cases and seams that this second solution runs faster). I got TLE with both approaches, so I came here to ask help. Hope someone could give me a better solution.


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Автор Hailo, история, 8 лет назад, По-английски

Hi, I'm having trouble solving this problem. I was thinking of applying a Markov sequence property ( The average length of the cycle path of a node is the inverse of the probability of being in this node ), so the problem is reduced to an equation system. However, it's a 105 x 105 sparse matrix (at most 105 non-zero elements). I don't know if there is a gaussian elimination method for this kind of matrix or if the approach is incorrect. Thanks.

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