Блог пользователя Xiaohuba

Автор Xiaohuba, 4 месяца назад, По-английски

Today is December 30th in Chinese Lunar Calendar (a.k.a Chinese New Year Eve).

We will enter the Year of Dragon in a few hours. Quite different from western culture, dragon (which sounds like "loong 龙" in Chinese), is an animal that symbolizes power, wisdom and strength.

The CF community has been passing through a hard time. We've experienced an explosive Goodbye 2023 Round, and there are more contentious topics. But anyway, we hope we will come into a entirely new, wonderful Chinese New Year! Hope that Codeforces will be a platform purely for competitive programming, where contests of good quality are held frequently, and people around the world are able to discuss academic problems freely.

Let's wait for the moment that the Year of Dragon comes!

UPD: The Year of Dragon has arrived. Happy Chinese New Year!

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Автор Xiaohuba, история, 13 месяцев назад, По-английски

These days I'm trying to compile the following c++ code:


const int MAXN=1e5+5;
std::vector<int> factor[MAXN];

signed main() {return 0;}

This code works while I'm using g++ 11.3.0. However, if I use g++ 13.1.0 or 12.1.0, I'll receive a compile error:

/var/folders/v7/yk8tz4j54cl2lhp1f80nyz700000gn/T//cc2HpyzP.s:371:29: error: unexpected token in '.section' directive
        .section .data.rel.ro.local

Reinstalling the compiler doesn't works. What should I do?

Note I use Apple M1 with MacOS 13.2.1 (22D68).

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