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Автор k790alex, история, 5 лет назад, По-английски


The 2019 ICPC Mexico Finals starts in 30 minutes.

Let's discuss the problems after the contest.

There are some mirror contests starting 1h after the real one:

This facebook page is posting updates frequently: https://www.facebook.com/acmitesochapter


Good luck to all the teams.

UPDATE The contest has started.

UPDATE Live scoreboard: https://global.naquadah.com.br/boca/score/index.php (use this if the previous one doesn't work https://global.naquadah.com.br/boca/scoreglobal.php?h=AT2oE0HBeAg8eox30q5wZOdk8SY_bIZ-hGKuX9OTrY661HqiWgHRra4KBYyrxV6IDqZeTVr7yJ6EpBVje50BxzQBkGZoTKMNPwb3UZpD_G79M9PmveqUhUUrtO04BJUpMwqPvrz_7o-QWTc)

UPDATE Problems available:

UPDATE Official results are ready: http://scorelatam.naquadah.com.br/

Congrats to the winners!!!


UPDATE These are the teams going to the world finals, there were 4 extra spots:

- Limitless, CUBA (new)
- Norman is Hunting, MEXICO
- #define TriLCI(404.0) :v, MEXICO
- pu+os, MEXICO (new)
- Guerreros de RodriGOD, COSTA RICA
- #NuevaConstitución UChile1, CHILE
- Rating MiSeRable, PERU (new)
- La bomba de tenedores, VENEZUELA
- Time com T, BRASIL
- Campinas Grande, BRASIL
- Amigos do Beto, BRASIL
- Rock Lee do Pagode Namora D+, BRASIL
- Rábalabaxúrias, BRASIL
- Triple G, BRASIL (New)

UPDATE MarcosK uploaded the contest and the official standings to the gym: 2019-2020 ACM-ICPC Latin American Regional Programming Contest

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Автор k790alex, история, 6 лет назад, По-английски


I want to share the Java library that I used for programming contests, hopefully it is useful for someone: https://github.com/AlexITC/programming-contests-library

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Автор k790alex, 7 лет назад, По-английски


Tomorrow is going to be held The 2017 ACM-ICPC Mexico and Central America Finals (https://icpc.baylor.edu/regionals/finder/mexico-central-america-2017).

Let's discuss the problems after the contest.

Good luck to all the teams.

Update: Statements (thanks aajjbb).

Update 2: Live Ranking.

Update 3: The contest ended some hours ago, still no final ranking, if anyone gets it, share it please.

Update 4: Final Ranking, congratulations to the winners!!

Update 5: Solutions in Spanish

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Автор k790alex, история, 8 лет назад, По-английски


Today was held the Latin America Regional Contest.

The problem set can be found here (sadly it requires an account): https://www.urionlinejudge.com.br/judge/en/challenges/contest/211 The results can be found here: http://score.acmicpc-latam.org/

Congrats to the winners!

  • 1st — UH++ (Cuba)
  • 2nd — PUMMAS (Argentina)
  • 3rd — [UFPE] 0xE (Brazil)
  • 4th — UNICAMP] Veni Vidi Codi (Brazil)
  • 5th — PUCP-FCI O(1) O(n) O(u(n)) [Peru]

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Автор k790alex, 9 лет назад, По-английски


As most users know, upsolving is very important to improve in programming contests, sometimes you tried to solve a problem without luck, while seeing the same problem after some time (days / months / years?) you may be able to solve it, this means you improved the required skills to succeed this problem.

I tried to find all my unsolved problems from Codeforces without luck, in PROBLEMSET there is a frame (Last unsolved) with the list of the last 15 problems tried but that's not enough.

I checked the Codeforces API to find a way to check all my unsolved problems without luck, so I wrote a crawler to find them all, the project is on github: https://github.com/AlexITC/upsolving/

This tool uses your login details and extract the unsolved problems from Codeforces Rounds and from the Gym.

I hope this can be helpful.

P.S: If someone knows how to retrieve this information using Codeforces API, let me know please.

P.S.2: There is an unknown reason why all tried problems from gym are not retrieved, I may fix it when I have the time.


My friend thnkndblv made a great tool similar to this one and you only need to type your handle, here is the app: http://codeforced.github.io/handle/


I finally retrieved the tool for TJU (after 7 months), you can find it here: https://github.com/AlexITC/upsolving/tree/master/tju

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Автор k790alex, история, 9 лет назад, По-английски


Since sometime ago while I read things about competitive programming I was storing the links to useful material (the one I think is good explained or hard to find), I'm collecting all the links and storing them in my blog, this may be useful for people trying to learn common (or not so common) things useful for programming contests.

The list is not in the best order, I may improve it some day, the list is being updated when I found an interesting post.

You can share links here and I may post it in the list.


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Автор k790alex, 9 лет назад, По-английски


Tomorrow is the Latin America Regional Contest, there is an online mirror prepared in UVA, you can see your local time here.

Good luck to all participants.

Update: Here are the live-scoreboard:

Latin America



Final results:

Mexico and Central America


Secret IO: http://maratona.ime.usp.br/resultados15/

UPDATE 3 Brief editorial in Spanish: http://caloventorendos.blogspot.com.ar/2015/11/regional-latinoamerica-2015-solucionario.html

UPDATE 4 Detailed editorial in Spanish: https://chococontest.wordpress.com/2015/11/23/solucionario-regional-south-america-2015/

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Автор k790alex, история, 9 лет назад, По-английски
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Автор k790alex, история, 9 лет назад, По-английски


acm.tju.edu.cn has been down for more than a week, this is the longer time I had experienced with this, does someone knows if this is going to live again?


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Автор k790alex, история, 9 лет назад, По-английски


I'm trying to improve my English (talking / listening), I would like to talk with native speakers.

We can talk about whatever you like, I will be online in skype most of the day in weekends and may a little time other days, add me to skype (k790alex) or send me a message if you like to help me, I would be glad if I can help you in something like Software Development, Computer Science or Algorithms and Data Structures (Why not?), anyone is welcome.

P.S: I tried online sites for this purpose but it was hard to get a talk with a person (at least in free versions).

P.S.2: Yes, I know Data Structures (Segment Tree, BIT, BST, etc).


UPDATE: Too many up votes but I only have one user to talk in weekends

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Автор k790alex, 9 лет назад, По-английски

Hello, I'm trying to solve this problem (link).

A brief description:

Given two strings (s, t) and Q queries, each query contains an integer K, you should count how many substrings of s can be equal to t with changing exactly K characters of s.

|s| <= 10^6
|s| > |t|
Q <= 10^5
characters can be 'x' or 'y' only

I got a solution using suffix tree which runs in linear time but my problem is that it uses too much memory.

I tried to reduce it to suffix array but I couldn't.

As the constrains are high I guess I need a linear time solution, can you see how to do it using less memory?


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Автор k790alex, 10 лет назад, По-английски

Given an array where each element represents a stick length, how many triangles can be formed choosing 3 different elements?

I know O(N^2) solution, is there a faster solution for this problem?


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Автор k790alex, 10 лет назад, По-английски

In my job, we launch a challenge for testing a security system we designed.

I know this is not a cryptography forum but here should be some cryptography fans (like me).

The statement is here: http://sac.mx/challenge.html

There are up to 200 dollars in prizes.

Thanks for reading.

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Автор k790alex, 10 лет назад, По-английски

Hi, since sometime ago, I was trying to solve this problem.

I tried using brute force, suffix array and suffix tree, and I got TLE.

My approach is this:

  • Create a suffix tree for the text O(M)

  • Count how many times appear each pattern in the text O(N*S)

  • Find the answer O(N)


M = text length

N = number of patterns

S = pattern length

Can some give me any hints?


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Автор k790alex, 10 лет назад, По-английски


Given a string S find the longest repeated substring non overlaps.

1 <= |S| <= 50,000



I'm trying to solve a problem like this, after thinking some time I came up with this solution using suffix array:

pos[i] -> sorted suffix array
lcp[i] -> longest common prefix between i-th suffix and (i-1)-th suffix
lcp2[i] -> like lcp but without overlaps -> lcp[i] = min(l p[i], abs( pos[i] - pos[i - 1] ) )

ans = max( lcp2[i] ) for 1 <= i < |S|

my approach was working for some cases but it fails for the test I wrote before.

I could think in a brute force solution which I think its some obvious:

For all repeated substring SUB, try all substring of SUB and test if have overlaps.

Do you have a better way?


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Автор k790alex, 10 лет назад, По-английски

I participated in this contest but I could'n be able to solve this task: 394B - Very Beautiful Number

I really want to know a method for solving it but like this contest was held in a black day (a day without data recovered) for codeforces, I couldn't find editorial.

I saw some accepted solutions but I would like to see a explication with more details.

I only could think in a solution using divisivility rules for 1 to 9 but I couldn't complete at all.

I think my idea have to many work for a div2 problem B, then if someone could explain me an easy solution, i would be grateful.


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Автор k790alex, 10 лет назад, По-английски

Hi, I read this Topic and I was thinking about its applications in contest but I couldn't get any.

I only know that this algorithm is useful for cryptography but I worder how it could be used in contests.

If you could provide me an example I would be grateful and a problem would be useful too.

Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: thanks to all, i continue reading and I found this link, it is another application.

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Автор k790alex, 11 лет назад, По-английски
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Автор k790alex, 11 лет назад, По-английски

For those who are practicing for ICPC contest, I use to practice in COJ and it have real contest many times and fortunately many are public, this online judge is host of many latin contest (Cuba, México, Argentina, etc) and we could enter to practice, many of this contests are for preparing for ICPC contest, you are welcome to participate if you want, the problems are from latin problem setters. It would be good if we discuss the problems here affter contest.

P.S: This is a five hours contest with normal ICPC rules.


It starts in 10 hours: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=29&month=10&year=2013&hour=11&min=30&sec=0&p1=99

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Автор k790alex, 11 лет назад, По-английски

For those who are practicing for ICPC contest, I use to practice in COJ and it have real contest many times and fortunately many are public, this online judge is host of many latin contest (Cuba, México, Argentina, etc) and we could enter to practice, many of this contests are for preparing for ICPC contest, you are welcome to participate if you want, the problems are from latin problem setters. It would be good if we discuss the problems here affter contest.

P.S: This is a five hours contest with normal ICPC rules.


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Автор k790alex, 11 лет назад, По-английски

Today i was in CF Round 207 when I receive a message from a user sending me the code used to solve a problem (I sent getting WA) and requesting me the solution for another problem.

I don't know how could be people trying to cheat in a contest when a it is for testing yoursefl about how good/bad are you.

My suggestion is to disable the talk system while a contest is running because with this experience I could realize that here we have users who only want to get a good ranking cheating and that's awful for me.

With talk system up you could only find users who solve a problem and request for an explication or worse, for a code.

Obviously I didn't sent any code but I don't know if another user would send it if someone request.

That's my opinion.

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Автор k790alex, 11 лет назад, По-английски

Hi, in a past contest I meet this problem: http://coj.uci.cu/24h/problem.xhtml?abb=2067 I couldn't solve it and affter I study some algorithms, I saw again and I tryed to solve it but I couldn't do it again. I think I need to use Line Sweep to solve it but I wonder if anybody knows an easier way (I don't know too mucho about line sweep). Thanks and sorry for my english.

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