Maintenance: Fixing Ratings for Plagiarism Detections by Mistake

Revision en2, by MikeMirzayanov, 2018-01-04 18:10:51


After the Educational Codeforces Round 35 (Rated for Div. 2) the system marked some solutions as plagiarism by mistake. It counts submitted twice solutions of the same participant as a plagiarism. Sorry about it. Day ago I rolled back punishment and judged such submissions as normal. Now I'm fixing the ratings. In 2-3 hours some rating changes will be reverted and applied back. The same with NY magic. Temporarily magic is unavailable now. It will be back soon!

The changes will affect ~10 people.


Tags codeforces, maintenance


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English MikeMirzayanov 2018-01-04 18:10:51 39 Tiny change: ' soon!\n\n[user:' -> ' soon!\n\nThe changes will affect ~10 people.\n\n[user:'
en1 English MikeMirzayanov 2018-01-04 16:58:45 534 Initial revision (published)