Codeforces WatchR 1.6.0: Localization, UX/UI polishes and bug fixes
Difference between en8 and en9, changed 183 character(s)
Last 4 weeks were dedicated to making the **final touches** for both [iOS]( and [Android]( apps before introducing new shiny features.↵

![ ](/predownloaded/c2/8b/c28bd0a6f7d4e76e92bf153799003c565dbab538.png)↵

Changes include, but not limited to:↵

- new **rating dialog**, flawlessly embedded into Actions tab↵
- new awesome **"Add User"** dialog↵
- **rating changes** displayed on user's rating graph↵
- **complete localization** of both apps to Ukrainian, Russian and Hindi (thanks [user:TiredOfLife,2020-06-04])↵
- many minor bug and crash fixes↵

Upcoming features↵

We've noticed that **Actions** is one of the most popular features of Codeforces WatchR, and many users coming to the app to see more **coding and programming news**. Hence we decided to broaden its content by including other interesting sources.↵

In particular we are going to include latest **YouTube videos** from Codeforces community. At the moment list includes:↵

- [user:Errichto,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:stefdasca,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:RomeoFantastik,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:striver_79,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:tmwilliamlin168,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:Um_nik,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:Petr,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:tourist,2020-06-04] :↵

Suggested by community:↵

- [user:kazama460,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:pashka,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:Endagorion,2020-06-04] :↵
- [user:SecondThread,2020-08-03] :↵
- [user:Stefdasca,2020-08-03] :↵

If you want to see other YouTube channels or other types of content in Codeforces WatchR app, don't hesitate to leave a comment or ping me in DM.↵

As always thanks to our team ([user:denmen0207,2020-06-04] and [user:BOGDAN_,2020-06-04]) for development and testing!


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en9 English yevhenii_kanivets 2020-08-03 07:56:36 183
ru2 Russian yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-05 11:14:01 3 Мелкая правка: 'Последние 2 недели бы' -> 'Последние 4 недели бы'
ru1 Russian yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-04 19:03:43 2625 Первая редакция перевода на Русский
en8 English yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-04 16:46:58 2 Tiny change: 'mmunity:\n- [user:' -> 'mmunity:\n\n- [user:'
en7 English yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-04 16:46:40 278
en6 English yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-04 10:13:48 78
en5 English yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-04 10:11:52 0 (published)
en4 English yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-04 10:11:38 21
en3 English yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-04 10:10:54 12
en2 English yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-04 10:09:43 4
en1 English yevhenii_kanivets 2020-06-04 10:09:25 2257 Initial revision (saved to drafts)