Блог пользователя alpha_1001

Автор alpha_1001, история, 2 года назад, По-английски

Is there any general way of approaching any problems like this...

Suppose, Given two arrays A and B, we have to select any subsequence of A, which satisfies the given properties (XYZ) having minimum or maximum value.

Suppose any selected subsequence of A is S = {A_i1, A_i2, A_i3, ..., A_ik} which satisfy the given properties (XYZ), then the value of Subsequence S is V = {B_i1 @ B_i2 @ B_i3 @ ... @ B_ik}, where @ is any function.

Our goal is to minimize or maximize or ..., the value V of subsequence S.

P.S.: Share any resources related to this, if any.

Problem 1 : 510D - Fox And Jumping

Share your own way to solve problems like this.

P.S.: Comments some more related problems, if you know.

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Автор alpha_1001, история, 3 года назад, По-английски
Given a string **S** consisting of digits [0-9], count the number of ways this string can be split into continuous substrings such that each substring is a prime number. Each digit must be in one substring and the entire string must be used.

The input string does not contain leading zeros.
Each number split of the given number must be in the range `2 to 1e6` inclusive.
Since the answer can be large, return the answer modulo `1e9+7`.

1 <= | S | <= 1e5

[11, 3, 7, 3], [11, 3, 73], [11, 37, 3], [113, 7, 3], [113, 73], [11, 373].

Can anyone help me out?
Thanks in advance.
Happy Coding...
P.S.: This is my first blog, so correct me if I'm wrong anywhere.

Feel free to share your approach.

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